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Ukrainian governor calls for 'executing those who support Russia'
Head of Ukraine’s Nikolaev Region, Vitaly Kim, has revealed a secret force was created to eliminate 'traitors' - citizens who cooperate with Russian forces <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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3 years ago
Of course it's not a white person calling every white person in Ukraine who supports Russia a traitor and saying they should be killed
There's now just straight up foreign non white people on Ukrainian TV openly talking about killing white people,you damn well know there's no brown or black people who don't support George soros owned Ukraine
You all fucking know he's talking about killing any white people who disagree with what the NWO JWO Ukrainian government is doing
Russia took out the bioweapon labs creating bioweapons to kill white people and THEY ARE PISSED OFF about that!
I don't exactly love Russia,but I know who I want to win this war and it's Russia