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Unvaccinated propaganda.

140 Views • 10/06/21
328 Subscribers

propaganda by the coperation medias the unvaccinated is a problem

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3 years ago

corona virus is now an enigma, nobody can get their arms around it and describe what it is, it is ever changing. Just when you think you got it figured out and you have the virus surrounded a smoke bomb goes off and it disappears out of the back door or an underground tunnel. It mutates. It somehow slips through the cracks. It somehow found a way to outsmart the vaccine and kills people who are vaccinated. It tricks us into making vaccines that actually kill you instead in some cases. It is chasing you while you ride your bike so you must wear your mask when you are riding your bike. It is courteous and provides a truce when you are eating so you can take your mask off. It has stealth camouflage and it cannot be pinned down. So elusive. More tricky than HIV. Nobody knows where it came from. Nobody knows how to solve it. It clearly has sentience. Its almost as if people are working behind the scenes to help it. It is an enigma to help sinners. You are greedy? Use coronavirus to make money(big pharma). Get as much stimulus as you can get your hands on. Don't pay your landlord, they can't kick you that, besides he is a rich scum. You lust for power? use it to scare people to bulldoze your way to the top. Pick and choose who is allowed to protest. Allow certain groups to ignore the virus mandates and unjustly enforce it on others. You are lazy? Take as much unemployment as you want and screw everyone else, you need a break who cares about inflation. You envy someone? eliminate them, claim it was covid when they die, screw up intentionally when trying to "help" them at the hospital. damage their life and bring them down. You are wicked, want to do harm to others, you have wrath? Use coronavirus as a tool to achieve you ends, force someone to lose their job, lose their business, lose their life. You have too much pride? continue to say covid exists, fail to admit you are wrong and incompetent and continue to scare people that the virus is not going away. Use it to achieve your ends to the point of corruption.

coronavirus is enigma, it is more that just a virus. It has a human element, we have turned it into a leviathan, a hydra with too many heads to fully kill, it has utilized the sins of man to empower the makers of inequity to bring unneeded suffering to the world. There will be a day when the truth comes out, and the people who lied will pay. You cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

3 years ago

Completely nut's isn't it, I love the "They Live mask" thing! lol! the proof it's nut's is in what they say? wear a mask, indoors, even when vaccinated? well doesn't that defeat any reason for a vaccination of any sort? lol! I sense myself that the luney Left's time is short now? You can only behave so nut's for so long then people stop listening as is happening then there is nowhere for these fuck wits to go except become more insane and out themselves? I actually now don't believe there ever was a virus, and if there was it was no worse of even less than the common cold. Maybe Covid 19 is not a name of a virus but a sick Psy-Op? now that I can believe?


3 years ago

I'd say we're in a massive Sunk Costs psychological trap. There are TRILLIONS riding on this narrative and the narrative is in direct support of the planned Jewish social engineering outcomes. In other words, TPTB are all in and they will not stop it even if they become victims of their own madness. ONLY KILLING THEM, especially the CDC and Biden White House, will arrest the forces driving us over the cliff. The scale of insanity and crime at the top is so massive that every single highway overpass can be generously decorated with the corpses of the guilty. Gently swinging by the neck, like wind chimes in a breeze, as the tracto trailers go by. A very charming scene for sure...


3 years ago

A site somewhere said that COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination ID.

3 years ago

There is no virus. The only thing that is spreading is propaganda. If you doubt the power of propaganda consider Xmas time. How people feel and act based on the beliefs and stories told. The virus is the ideas.


3 years ago

@red maple: The masses have been lied to about so many things and for so long, NOBODY can say that they weren't warned. Hell, the lies go back to 1896 when the USS Maine sank in Havana Harbor and William Randolph Hearst stoked up a huge propaganda stunt so that Teddy Roosevelt could get the war he wanted with Spain "You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war." . Spain was weak at the time and lacked the logistics to defend its hold on Cuba. TR wanted Cuba for the big sugar, tobacco, rubber, rum, and fruit monopolies.

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