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US mounts pressure on India over ties with Russia

17 Views • 04/12/22
136 Subscribers

In its usual mentoring narrative, the US said it’s ‘not in India’s interest’ to import Russian oil and weaponry as ‘2+2’ talks between the countries’ top diplomats and defense ministers took place in Washington, increasing pressure on New Delhi.

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3 years ago

If we just destroyed Zionism, it would solve most of the world's problems. By 'destroying Zionism', I mean specifically, to sink the entire territory below the Mediterranean. Then, we could finally see a bit of economic reality and fair play, rather than America and Europe digitally looting the world. Much of the Holy Land is below Sea Level, and the hills of Judea aren't particularly high and could be MOABed by bunker busters. Obviously they didn't get the message in 70AD when Vespasian and Titus came through, or in 135 AD when Hadrian came through. So now, the logical conclusion is to physically erase the entire territory.

The other option would be for Russia to airdrop munitions to the Palestinians. If you consider it, Blinken et al are sending munitions into Ukraine to kill Russians. Russia should do the same, and arm the Palestinians. Russia should use Alinsky's playbook on the Jews, Zionism is their Achilles heel. It is indefensible. They keep beating us over the head with Christianity, well, we should do the same for them with Zionism.

It's abundantly clear that they are using the Holy Land as a base to parasitize from the entire world, as they establish a sandnigger imperium across the ME, to eventually conquer Europe and then America. We need to wrest this ISRAEL identity from them. They are sandniggers, not ISRAELITES.

Russia and China need to understand that Westerners are basically human shields for the Zionists. We really can't do shit without the Zionists doing their typical tricks; they are unparalleled at organisational capture via entryism, nepotism, subversion and finally, takeover. Therefore any tools or strategies that we develop are very rapidly captured by them, and used for their own purposes. Which, as stated above, their primary purpose is a sandnigger imperium in the Middle East. Which is such a stupid goal, when you think about it. Use Alinsky's playbook against them. They have no leg to stand on. Cuckianity needs to go too, however.

Hopefully, the Zionists will realise how dire the straits are for them, and will voluntarily turn to peace. However, given their history and the mass of zealots, I really do think that they will f it up, and leave the world no choice.

3 years ago

So is this all a veiled threat to India? You want India to buy oil from the U.S.? Then turn the fucking tap back on you fuckin' Dolts!!! I been saying for years it's only a matter of time until the rest of the world is tired of our shit and tells the U.S. to fuck off. Regardless of friend or foe.

3 years ago

Oh boy pushing India into the arm's of China and Russia. Personally I don't care but that will be the death knell of the Petro dollar. And essentially that will be the end of the dominance of the West.

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