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USAF Tested The New Rapid Dragon Bomb Cruise Missiles Dropped From Cargo Planes

26 Views • 02/09/23

There are about 10 different versions of the C-130s and about 500 that can be used to deliver this payload and that are still in service. That's thousands of cruise missiles that can be launched at once. <br> <br>The US started this proxy war before 2016 in Ukraine with a coup, using a well designed color revolution. <br> <br>If this is one part of the US military strategy, and there are many layers to it, it had been in the works for ten years if not decades. Russia knows this and has taken counter-masseurs. <br> <br>If this is part of the U.S. plan, it is short-sighted at best. These are not very intelligent military strategists if they think this will start to take down Russia. It won't work. <br> <br>Russia is ready, has planned for every scenario, and has hundreds of subs loaded and ready to fire instantly, as does the US so no onw will win. It's (MAD) Mutually Assured Destruction even if no nuclear weapons are used. Countless millions will die <br> <br>The use of this particular US weapons system has to be to send hundreds of C-130 cargo planes near the border of Russia loaded with these 'Crated Cruise Missiles' that could all be simultaneously deployed. <br> <br>The plan would be to try and overwhelm Russian defenses. The problem is, even if hundreds of missiles get past Russian defenses and they hit their targets, Russia then has every right to attack the US mainland and US military bases around the world directly using their Mach 5, Mach10 and Mach 20 conventional cruise missiles that cannot be stopped by any US defenses. <br> <br>Few US citizens seem to know that Russian weapons systems meet or exceed US weapons systems and Russia has every right to defend itself against US aggression by any and all means necessary. <br>Also note that the Russian people have bomb shelters. The US people have nothing. <br> <br>If all this happens, and it does seem to be going in that direction, it will escalate and no one can predict the outcome. I would suggest getting as far away from military bases and big cities as you can. <br> <br>Once Russian missiles systems take out the most important US Military bases and many US cities with conventional warheads, the US Constitution will be suspended, and the US government will impose Marshall law, this action will postpone all lawsuits against Pfizer/Moderna and others for committing mass murder, mass genocide, and crimes against humanity. If the war does not escalate the US government, or what's left of it will begin forced vaccinations program on the population with whatever these psychopaths want to kill us with. Uninformed US health planners will gladly do their part to finish us off because they are convinced they are us for our own good. <br> <br>My point is the real enemy is hitting us from two sides. Externally tricking Russia to bomb the US and an internal threat from within the criminal US government. <br> <br>Side note, <br>Eustace Mullins told me in 2002 that the master plan was for world Jewry to trick the US/Russia/Europe into taking each other out militarily. Then once the dust settles the (Rothschilds) use their bastard child, Israel to move in and take control. Of course, the remaining ignorant war-torn Evangelical Christian Zionists and shocked Americans will see the Israeli as some sort of saviors, but it's just another trick, just like all the others. Once that happens and World Jewry gets a firm grip on the control they finally get their world government under Communism and tyranny. All Whites worldwide, especially White males will be systematically be exterminated, especially the Evangelical Christian Zionists. All White females will be bonded into slavery.

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