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Vaccine Induced - The Movie

35 Views • 10/12/22

I have compiled a repost to copy to other platforms. <br>Shane T. Hanson. <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>Dear Friends, <br> <br>Last month, in Texas, we held The Great Awakening: [email protected] 3 Prelaunch Party. <br> <br>

If you'd like to see the livestream replay of the main stage presentation, as well as a sneak peak at our latest teaser and current projects, check it out below! <br> <br> <br> <br>I’m delighted to announce that our momentum and our team is growing! <br> <br>So much of what’s currently threatening our future can be traced back to the Big Pharma controlled industry known as Mainstream Media. <br> <br>Did you know that Big Pharma holds twice the lobbying power over our politicians than all of Big Oil? This is our Goliath! <br> <br>Our little production company is working day and night to correct the false narratives that are designed to leave us divided, dehumanized, and dependent. <br> <br>Recently, the demand for our work has been more than we’ve been able to supply. But thanks to the generosity of our donors we’ve been able to expand our team and volume of production! <br> <br>It is my honor to introduce the newest member of Team [email protected], Canadian Filmmaker, Robert Bailey. <br> <br>Robert has recently released the captivating short FREE documentary, Vaccine Induced: The Story of Shaun Mulldoon. <br> <br>If this poetic work moves you like it did me, please help spread the word by sharing the video far and wide. <br> <br>Thank you for your continued love and support! <br> <br>signature <br> <br>Mikki Willis <br>Father, Filmmaker <br> <br>P.S. Did you know that all of our films are funded by community donations? Our movies have always been, and will always be, free to the people. Click here to make a donation and help us to continue this important work.

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Edward Longshanks
Edward Longshanks
2 years ago

Even the un-jabbed are not safe from the trans-substantiation of the sacred needlecraft. I heard the jabbed are 'shedding' these spike whatevers. That means everyone is probably going to suffer biological degradation to some extent. Probably not as bad as having them inside your system, but still enough for a concern to launch a glorious Jihad to avenge our lost biological purity, as well as our lost foreskins.

So many causes to launch the next crusade.


Yeah with Jesus the Jewish Zombie still stuck in Low Earth Orbit with his 12 boy friends, and his father who never existed, all I can say is "Who better to lead the charge to Victory!"

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