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• 07/15/23
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2 years ago
Reminds me of a story from a few years ago where a woman wanted some insanely expensive destination wedding and expected her friends and family to kick in around 3 grand each to pay for it. When everyone told her to go pound sand she wrote and epic length screed to all of them saying they ruined her wedding plans. Totally delusional.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
I was once married way back in 1983, it lasted 3 years JUST! the wedding stuff wasn't bad (the gifts) i mean. Beleive it or not I still have one of them I use everyday that my Aunt bought us. It's a wooden Brerad Bin with a roller type front on it, it's in my Kitchen right now from all those decades ago! lol! so something useful from being married stuck I guess!
2 years ago
2 years ago
I don't know... maybe I grew up Roman Catholic too long... I mean after all, aren't we all "baring it all" to God of Israel anyways!?
2 years ago
2 years ago
You know I saw on HBO Real Sex (or Pornocoppia) "Skyclad" marriages in the UK where everyone including the children were nude. I kind of like that idea, and it would destroy some "egos," as well as teach boys material things don't matter, except maybe big titties-- you know for the babies. However, with all these damn pedos, I could see them popping into Skyclad weddings looking gor boys' asses to violate and girls pussies and wombs to destroy, you scoping the town or kids out. I mean I kind of understand all ghost tribal ritual orgies now, but those damn pedos gotta fuck everything up... I kind of like the idea of truly open society, open source codes for programs, and open viewing for uhm "Healthcare" reasons-- ie the pussies....
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Yeah, can we go back to the fathers paying us to marry their sluts, er "daughters" I meant to say, the "princesses." Why would they believe in reality? All she had to do was shake the "magic wand" and all her "wishes" came true, well "realistic ones" I supposed but she either got knocked up or a facial... deep cleaning sticky facial.
2 years ago