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Video Review - Money, lifestyle and Mr. Perfect and there is NO NEGOTIATION about it.
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2 years ago
She had to softball every one of them with SOME of the truth. Not the whole truth, not an unfiltered reality, not a forecast, just a feather pillow of truth, and that was all it took for the wind to slightly leave their sails for just a moment. Then they reminded themselves they were queens and getting laid by Chad is proof they can get his commitment someday as well.
None of these women were exceptional, none of them were particularly interesting, all of them were ready to win big on the Chad lottery. There are women that make young Scarlett Johansson or Salma Hayek look plainer than a scoop of vanilla, and they have no fame and aren't carousel masters, and that's the competition these women face. Just look up "Don Mclean and Paris Dylan". No really, look it up.
They're planning for commitment with DiCaprio but 20 years younger and they'll be lucky to get DiVitto's 3rd cousin removed today.
Seriously, check the makeup, and even the 24 year old probably isn't all that fit. This is equity, this is what it looks like when trophies are given out for participation and young minds are drip-fed "you deserve" for their lives.
2 years ago
Also I like that Joker kept interrupting the video cause I can only take so much delusion at one time.
2 years ago
#1.) "Women are not your co-pilots they are the stewardesses." - Andrew Tate
#2.) Wish I had a time machine to see these women 20 years from now when they're ALL single, lonely with cats and MISERABLE even after divorce raping a few guys.
2 years ago
These 304's are truly, truly delusional!!! I'm gonna buy Stock in Purina!!!
2 years ago
This has been a very worthwhile tutorial.....