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Violent protests erupt across France as Macron wins election

21 Views • 04/25/22
136 Subscribers

The incumbent French President Macron is to retain his post for five more years as his opponents take to the streets to show their discontent <br> <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:

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3 years ago

We are living in a totally fake economic and political landscape. Everything is massaged with digital money. It's like a shroud upon all our interactions. I don't think it was like this prior to WW1. Certainly, in the old videos, society seemed to be far more functional, with multiple independent 'locuses' of growth. Now, everything is centred around the BANK.

Anyway, this guy is a complete fraud, but so are they all. We have no idea who built Paris or the other major cities of Europe or America, but it certainly wasn't us or the Boomers, or the two generations before the Boomers.

Wtf even IS the Eiffel Tower? Is it mentioned in Victor Hugo's work? What's its true purpose? Zeppelin travel? And there's definitely something up with the Arc du Triumphe also. We have no idea by whom or why these things were built. My suspicion is free energy generation propagated by resonance/ vibrations.

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