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Wales 20MPH Speed Limit- EXPOSED They Have No Data

16 Views • 10/14/23
190 Subscribers

Well when you have a leader called "Mark-(xist) FAKE FRAUD" what do you expect. I'm in favor in one way about these 20 mph spoeed limit's and that is hopefully it will destroy the corporates as goods and shit cant be delivered. And tourism and Holidays will be cancelled. I love North Wales and the people there, but next years holidai there has been cancelled and so should FAKE FRAUD as well. Wakles is a test bed for the UK and that is why England is not currently 20 mpoh infested. OH! just a point of interest regarding the HWC. If a Speed limit sigh is on a reflective yellow rectangle, that means it is a "SUGGESTED" speed limit not an inforcable one. Any road sign in the UK obn a RECTANGULAR backing is an "INFORMATION" signage and not inforcible. Just thought I would point that out, so if you see a 20mph sign on a yellow rectangle it means although the speed limit may be 30 or 40, they "SUGGEST" 230 mph, so remember that. Applies to Wales as WELL.

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