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War with Russia Being Used to Force Great Reset Lockdown of Humanity, Learn How Before It is Too Late!
• 03/02/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
War with Russia Being Used to Force Great Reset Lockdown of Humanity, Learn How Before It is Too Late!
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3 years ago
I am ROOTIN' FOR PUTIN! Clean out Ukraine and bust heads. Especially any stupid American advisers and related Jewish busybodies who were pushing LGBTQ and mudsharking propaganda 24/7 in the Ukrainian schools and TV.
Jesus Fucking Christ! All the Sheeple know is what the KIKE JEW MEDIA tells them. I use my co-workers and neighbors as indicators of the Jew Mind Virus. We've heard ZERO information about what Ukraine was doing to the Russians in the Donbas region since 2014 and what the JEWISH CRIME REGIME in Kiev was planning to do against Russia. PUTIN HAD TO ATTACK FIRST and THANK GOD HE DID.
Yeah, based on what I'm hearing via our lying JEW MEDIA, it sounds like the Russians came in ill-prepared and did the invasion bass-ackwards. There might be some truth to that but, who knows? You don't send in your conscripts as the prime invasion force! You send in your elite killer units and they clear the way for the occupation force, which are the conscripts. I'm pissed that Putin isn't using his air power to quell Ukrainian forces and he should have used a lot more cruise missiles than he did.
AS I understand, Putin was initially trying to limit civilian casualties but, he may have to do what ZOG-U.S. and Israel have always done. Run 'em over if they get in the way. I marvel at how we're kvetching and wailing over Putin bombing ALLEGED maternity wards, schools, and the like. THOSE PLACES WERE STORING MUNITIONS, BIO AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS. How is it that the American Sheeple cannot remember the mass murders we did since the Dresden fire bombings? The KIKE JEW MEDIA has put a hard blackout on the mass murders of German civilians during the Allied occupation of post-war Germany! Have we already forgotten about the indiscriminate mass murders we carried out in Iraq and Afghanistan??? We have NO MORAL CREDIBILITY to accuse Putin.