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Warren Farrell reveals why men's rights continue to be ignored (we already knew why)

88 Views • 09/11/21
34 Subscribers

⁣In a recent interview with Jordan Peterson, Warren Farrel describes why a push to address men's and boy's issues continues to hit stumbling blocks. The only solution to this problem is staring them right in their face.

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5 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

the cultures who keep their pimp-hand strong wins, as TFM said 5 years ago- FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO SHOW UP

DEMOGRAPHY IS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING-said some israelite jewish rabbi

3 years ago

this is TFM's most polished and solid argument. I think this is why he will not be given a mainstream platform. He convinced me so thoroughly on this, and he was really an original thinker on this issue. It is a sad reality, but equality between the sexes has to go in order to have a lasting society. He has shown this so clearly there is almost no rebuttal. Even the bible indicates this is the rightful order of man, women are meant to be company to men, not in the lead roles. We can see what they have done now that they have captured the political apparatus. TFM basically is saying: feminism and female equality with men leads to an extremely lowered birthrate- consequently no children means no future. He then shows that bribes dont even work to correct it. Women need to be primarily looked at as entities to birth and raise children, this is the biological imperative.


3 years ago

The Taliban has shown Straight Men the way out of this Jews' Paradise. Have the courage to follow their example and don't expect victory overnight.

The Taliban never lost faith despite being having Jew-American feminist filth being vomited upon Afghanistan for 20 years. They slogged it out and never gave up because they had the clear vision of who the (((ENEMY))) was.

All of the foul and putrid chunks of America's crap culture and Jewish feminism need not be identified. It's all JEWISH. NAME THE JEW and you're only fighting ONE ENEMY as opposed to getting bogged down over the petty details of what America ate before it puked it back up on Afghanistan (and the vast majority of the world).

3 years ago

Trump claimed to be nationalist anti-globalist , but lauded japan auto in USA.. wtf people are retarded dems did not call him out because we have a one party govt imo..


3 years ago

Trump's low-IQ rhetoric couldn't cover up his abysmal understanding of what (((Reaganomics))) had done over the past 40 years. It is impossible to just bring back the industrial sector as we have long lost the industrial habits and social contracts that made it work in the 20th century. Trump has no clue about how the world works and how we got into this Jews' Paradise in the first place.

3 years ago

Republicrats / Democans / Coke / Pepsi difference anymore.

3 years ago

Trump being against blacks and working class and for spanish immigrants undermining american workers cost us all..

3 years ago

claimed to be anti-globalist whilst pro israel and wallstreet,... globalism. .liar..


3 years ago

Trump's endless grovelling to Mestizos and celebrating Negro achievement (at White expense) was nauseating. He really played his White and Shabbos Goyim supporters for punks.

3 years ago

poppycock! first stimulus lockdown should have been MASS DEPORTATIONS and equitable distribution of thne 3 trillion in stimulus.. wtf are these fake arguments.. Trump would have won by a landslide except he was not on our side.. period./


3 years ago

I'm reasonably sure that Trump was sat down in a secret meeting with the ADL, CHABAD, AIPAC, SPLC, and Vatican representatives, and told that he shall NOT do anything to slow down the push towards the Jew World Order. This has been a project in motion for 3000+ years and this is the generation that will see it fulfilled. It will involve White Genocide and utterly stripping out the wealth from the West to build it. Trump was told to stay within the boundaries set for him and he won't suffer an inexplicable tragedy. But, Jews being Jews, they endlessly harangued him and invented endless fake crises to remind him of (((WHO))) owns him. The Sheeple be damned, (((THEY))) stole the 2020 election in broad daylight because the Jewish Talmud and Torah gives them the right to overrule anything we vote for. (((THEY))) punished us for four solid years for DARING to vote for Trump and NOT Hillary! (((THEY))) will never let We Teh Sheeple feel like we got one over on (((TPTB))) again!!!

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: the plan you describe is not going to work and I have evidence to prove it, just look at every country that does not have a white majority. Look around the world. Areas without white people living there are in general shitholes with the exception of some small areas in asia, latin america, etc. It is going to be a nightmare to live in the US without whites. It will just be like brazil, and they will regret the destruction they caused. Even the elites will suffer if they do this, they will see but it will be too late. You cannot create something like this using forced labor, its impossible to get this type of quality this way. White people have always been an extreme minority in the world, the US was one of the most miraculous occurrences in history because an intelligent minority group was able to take over a vast land with amazing resources, and they did it using superior technology, then it led to amazing discoveries that changed the world. This type of thing may never happen again. Whites will likely retreat into enclaves that are in colder areas and the world will go to shit. it will be sad, but I am doubtful that whites will be exterminated, they will just be a smaller slice of the world population overall as time goes on, but whites have always been an extreme minority of the overall world population. Maybe far off in the future after their plan fails (which it defiantly will) it will be like a cycle again, and the intelligent groups will come from the far flung areas to re-colonize the US after they destroy it because they are retarded.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Also remember the jewish population is shrinking because they have literally started to follow their own propaganda and they are becoming neurotic, degenerate, gay, extremely leftists, etc. The birth rate is plummeting for them. its not looking so good for them.


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Real Jews may be shrinking as you say but, they have spawned their Jew Mind Virus into the Goyim and the spiritual image of Judaism is living on in them. Not noticed but, equally toxic are the racially mixed Jews. Half-Jew, quarter Jew, and eighth Jew. Whenever I look up the biography of some notorious person in current events or history, I've found that even a 1/8th Jew ancestry is enough to warp the spirit of that person and make them do anti-social anti-White things. That's why its dangerous to be swayed by the, "Jews are only 1.5-2% of the population" argument. If you add in the mixed Jews, Shabbos Goyim, and weak minded who are influenced by the Jew Mind Virus, I'd say we're looking at a MAJORITY of the population!

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