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We Have a Different Perspective on Internet Dating Culture (Breakdown) Complicated Trash
• 05/10/22
181 Subscribers
How to Spot: #Analysis #Reaction #React <br>How are things looking out there is your part of the world going forward?
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3 years ago
That first woman's story isn't actually that far fetched. I'm a mixed race guy, I get described as exotic, and women have cold approached me with similar lines, as well as some other way-out there propositions. I get that women have more leeway to act like this than men do, but it isn't unheard of, and this was while I was in red areas, blue areas, deeply rural, city, clubs, clinics, shopping, etc. The women doing this were all types, though Asian women are generally more reserved here so it happens less with them, and black women are usually a lot more shy until they feel like a conversation is opened up. White women, Hispanics, other mixed races, but mostly young white women will come on very strong, sometimes to the point where it's so crazy it's actually too repulsive to be attractive, and these are young 20s and pretty high on the attractiveness scale. I have to believe men do this too; I've seen it a few times, it's just not that common. Gay men have also pulled this on me, but since I don't swing that way their cold approach never stood a chance anyway. Most common factor in all of it is no one is even a little embarrassed afterward. They just keep smiling and rolling on after I give them the big 'no', though I do try being as polite about it as possible.
America's a weird place, man.
3 years ago
3 years ago
TIL the site can also handle susantube premieres! Well done, Amr!