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Weak and Addicted to Attention | Grunt Speak Shorts

238 Views • 04/01/22
Terrence Popp
Terrence Popp
4,129 Subscribers

Sorry ladies, when it comes down to it, you shouldn't be on the front line.
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7 Comments sort Sort By

2 years ago

I believe in women: I think in times of war all our military should be females. Full empowering representation while men sit back and cheer.

2 years ago

Popp, The Russians win this and you are right, it will cost them. Butt, the oil prices will allow Putin to rebuild.

2 years ago

Nop Russia does not win. It's too much fucked up on their side. After latest news things are even worse for Russia.

2 years ago

@wolter: latest news is lying. Patience is required.

2 years ago

@Duugus: Yes true there is too many people who are victims of Russian info ops.


In the thumbnail of the video, I was looking at Terry's sexy long straight nose....

(long straight vertical type noses are sexy - it's not the hots for Terry sexy...)

a) It looks like it's been broken twice (the breaks are about a fingers width apart) around the bridge and

b) It looks like a native American nose.

Terrence - do you have any Injun in you? like 1/4 Navaho on the grandfathers side?

And most importantly - at 3:28, she has a nice cream coloured kettle...

A woman with a sexy nose.

2 years ago

First off I dont think Afghanistan was able to hold off America. Publicly America had no solid strategic goal to stay in the middle east other than fighting "terrorists" much like Putin is fighting "Nazis". In hindsight we occupied Iraq to "stabilize" the global oil markets. smack dab in between Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Iran lies Iraq. Plus the war provided much needed distraction for the information warfare apparatus (sorry I mean the news) All the while providing cover for Israel to do their thing by turning Iraq into a strategic area denial zone, all with air, sea, ground and space coverage. We were there for 20+ years the goal was occupation, as I suspected we left Afghanistan to close a front, The evacuation from Afghanistan wasn't botched it was deliberately sabotaged. Take a look at the cost estimates to pull all the equipment U.S brought into the middle east out? Leaving the way the U.S did was simply a cost benefit analysis with the added bonus of destabilizing the region to slow down China's inevitable advance so by leaving amicably the U.S would have actually helped China.

2 years ago

Ukraine good performance does not come big surprise, but Russia surprised me did not expect them be so bad. But biggest surprise for me is how badly Russia treats own soldiers. That is mind blowing they are treated like говно (human waste). Sent to war not telling that it's war just go on exercise and surprise surprise it's actually two way rifle range. Not enough food with troops even not enough those MRI's what had shelf life to 2015. No tents, no equipment for making base camps and give soldiers time to clean and rest. Army what knows there are cold Siberian winters does not give enough warm clothes for soldiers so they simply froze to death.
And most insulting in my mind is when soldiers have killed the are no longer needed. Just left out there for stray dogs to eat or in better case get cremated in mobile crematory and then most likely be just fertilizer at some dumping ground.
And that causes problems for relatives as there is compensation for death 13 000 000 rbl or about 130 000USD but no body no money. So there is a lot bodies not picked up and casualties hidden then no need pay money.
And still those men fight for Imperator Putin the First, they don't fight for country and not for people just for one crazy man with wet restore Soviet Union dreams.
About giving equipment to Ukraine then it's good testing ground for weapons and good advertise too if they preform well.


2 years ago

Excellent points. Russia's crass disregard for its Armed Forces has existed for as long as Russia has existed. It is a symptom of a dysfunctional and sadistic culture. Very Jewish, BTW. It's all too easy to look at the historic and geopolitical angles of war and forget about the human, cultural, and societal elements. Ukraine is also sick but, their sickness stems from a (((GLOBOHOMO))) regime that the CIA and Mossad imposed upon it in 2014.

2 years ago

The Mongolians heavily influenced Russian culture. They occupied Russia for 150 years. Now there's a lot of words in Russian, related to torture, taxation and corruption, that came from the mongol language. Dominance under personal authority was rooted in the administrative culture under Mongol rule, in the sense that There is only one Putin err Khan that leads. It's unimaginable but if your 20 years old in Russia today you have never seen anyone else in power, unimaginable to most americans. During the Mongol rule the ways to survive were lying, corruption, and violence this still lives very deep in Russias Strategic culture. When Mongol rule ended they didnt just pack up and leave in the 150 years that they were there they intermixed with the locals, as with their traditions also stayed with the people in particular the ruling class, seeing as the Mongols were the ruling class for 150 years. After Mongol rule however came a short era of turmoil the russians remember as well as Americans remember the civil war, because at this time Russia was attacked from inside and outside. From their view the only thing that saved them was strong leadership, autocracy in russia was normalized as it was better the chaos and mayham that preceeded it. Peter The great founded the city of St. Petersburg in 1703 on a Finnish swamp. After that Russia had constant clashes on their Eastern and Western borders with the westernizers (zapadniki) favoring the west and the slavophiles favoring the east. As you can see history doesnt repeat but it sure does ryme. This is a little bit about how Russia views the world and why Ukrainians call them a horde. Average Russian soldier makes 300$ a month. Russia still very much plays by Ghangis Khan's rule book the invading army is paid by the spoils of war that individual soldiers can collect. For the most part such concepts are foreign to western armies, at least as it's done en mass as in Russia.

2 years ago

@Electrolytic: Yes you are right about Mongol influence and beside that there is belief that good tsar in Moscow does not know what bad local bojars do. If he knew he change but still that does not explain why they fight if they are treated like crap. Not much use for loot if you are taking dirt nap. But actually now we will see how much russians want to fight. 1st april starts their conscripts taking time and after that soon is when contracts end for those who stayed army after conscript time. When there is a lot who avoiding to go in army and a lot who leave after contract is over then Putin is screwed in his Nuclear punker in Altai mountains 50.784822, 86.482263 . Like some

2 years ago

@Electrolytic: Therefore, the reason why Putin won't leave quickly, oil prices would collapse.

2 years ago

@Duugus: If leaving Ukraine would wreck the western economy Putin would abandon it in a minute.

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