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Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW

290 Views • 09/02/21
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Yoshi and here's what he has to say: "Hi Mr. Sandman, Thank you for your daily dose of red pill. I am 38, and technically never had a real girlfriend. Some people, my family and friends, from time to time asked me if I am not straight. It is just that I am extremely careful about getting involved with women. The first "girlfriend" I had was a classmate in high school. She moved to another state right after high school graduation so we never got to hold hands. A few years later she got pregnant with a man and had to marry him. Then divorced him shortly there after. There was another girl after that whom I was really interested in. She, however, emphatically stated that she was not interested in relationships. Then out of nowhere she sent me a text saying she's gonna get married in three months. I was shocked. Where did this guy come from? Yet again after that another girl I was hanging out with suddenly announced she's getting married because...she got pregnant. The idea of girls sleeping before marriage was foreign to me until these incidents. That's the reason why I am single. I also feel that girls have such high demands that either I metaphorically grovel at their feet or forget about it. Last year a friend of mine, a really good, caring, honest, and family-oriented guy, someone I wouldn't mind introducing my sister to if I had one, told me his girlfriend cheated on him. He got home from work one day and found his girlfriend in bed with a younger guy. My friend had to break up with her. A few months after that he found another girl. This new girl had a son, no father, but the creepy thing he eventually found out was there were male cloths in her room. There was a guy in her life that she never told him about. So my friend broke up with her too. At this point in my life I don't know if I will ever get married, which is a bit concerning to be honest because growing up I have always imagined that it's the natural order of things for male and female to come together and raise families. Warm regards, Mr. Yoshi" Well Yoshi thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but first a word from today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the I've never kissed a girl and I feel fine virgin incel show. I'm not saying that mockingly Yoshi. That woman that told you she wasn't interested in relationships just meant she wasn't interested in relationships with you. She was basically saying it's not you it's me. I'm an independent whamen so please get away from me. The guy she got engaged to only three months later odds are she was already seeing him at that time you asked her out and she was worried that if she told you know that you might get pissed off or become violent. You're right that these days more and more women have very high demands and demand that you kiss their ass. But even that's not a guarantee that you'll get sex, love and reproduction from them. I feel bad for you because you were never given the choice to go your own way from women.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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11 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

These two competing sets of technologies aren't really in competition. Fully autonomous manufacturing robots will print out all the "loverbots" you could ask for, and AI will provide them with pleasant personalities that are realistic enough for a suspension of disbelief. I REALLY doubt they'll be banned but I think they'll eventually be eclipsed by VR technology once its gotten good enough at hacking human perception. Loverbots will go the way of betamax.


4 years ago

I dream of the emergence of a MGTOW nation.

4 years ago

I laughed at the Beanie Babies bit too. Is this the first instance of a mild "corpsing" by the usually deadpan Sandman.


4 years ago

"You live at home with your mom you must be an INCEL asfasjfasjflkaf". Bitch we just lived through 1 1/2 years worth of lockdowns and people losing their businesses, yeah there are a LOT of people that moved back home. Shit Entire families that moved back home. Or they're in the streets.

The people that think Incel means you live at home are fucking stupid.


4 years ago

MGTOW, I'm glad I'm single. People are dumb. I know someone who saved up half a million dollars living at home.

4 years ago

I highly doubt Sir Isaac Newton had any problem with dying a virgin. Remember, he spent more time and effort on religious studies than on physics. He was literally a MGTOW monk.

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