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Were you listening to me?

69 Views • 01/10/22
21 Subscribers

Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?

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3 years ago

Jones is a globalist but he has to be right about some things to garner a following.. I think AM THE ONE WHO TOLD HIM TO SELL VITAMINS.. I told him alot of stuiff.. but he is not loytal to the cause of national sovereignty.. like most merchants he can make more money selling to everybody.. the more the better.. well, a better country may negate the importance olf selling to everybody.. to live in a good country may take the pressure off.. Surely we are not intended to be forced to work to benefit others to the tune of 20,000 square foot homes.. psh,


3 years ago

i was looking at the woman in red pantsu.
Also Jones is shill , he never names (((THEM)))

3 years ago

I hate the Jews just as much as I hate the christians,but when someone's telling the truth about something you should be listening. There's a bunch of charismatic assholes who want to take everything good about you and all of your positive intent....and use it to manipulate you into being a slave of THEIR movement. FYI those people are planning on never doing anything except taking your money and kinetic energy for themselves. We can kill the Jews,save ourselves from the christians and save our race....we just have to stop letting these silver tongued liars manipulate us. Socialism doesn't work and Hitler has been dead for either 100 years or since the 60's. We gotta throw away the old propaganda and manipulation from generations ago and forge and new way forward for our people. We can save our white race,but the answers aren't in the past the answers are in the future. So instead of trying to recreate systems from the past which failed,lets build a new system which won't fail our people. We can kill our enemies and defeat them,but we have many enemies. God is our enemy not just the JEWS who worship god it's everyone who worships GOD,The marxists and muslims the brown and black hordes of commies,the white people who've been brainwashed into fanatical worship of either GOD or COMMUNISM....they are all our enemies. We want to save our race our cultures our people from extinctions,we don't have to save every individual and we shouldn't try. We need to close ranks and actually make a viable formation against our enemies. We can have degenerates,because female empowerment caused everything degenerates are blamed for,hell I'm an anime titty loving degenerate absent father so I won't judge them for being true to themselves. We can have every kind of white person....except those who worship god. Look back through history it was Christians worshipping the JEWISH god who destroyed our cultures killed and enslaved our kids to FORCE THEM to worhsip the god of the JEWS. The Christians have always been the enemy of white people and our cultures. The crusades were a family picnic compared to what they did to every white country they went to,they always reserved the worst treatment the worst atrocities for white people.....all because of their fanatical devotion to the GOD OF THE JEWS! I will gladly name the JEW and I will gladly name the CHRISTIAN too

3 years ago

And yes,even though I hate JEWS hate JESUS and hate CHRISTIANITY....I still listen to Alex Jones becaue he's telling the truth about pretty much everything else. I can't move forward and make viable plans if I don't know whats going on....even if I'm stuck listening to some Christcuck tell me about it. I can learn truth from someone,and still disagree with them about other things. Just because AJ believes in god doesn't mean I have to pay any heed when he talks about god,I actually hate it when he does that. But that doesn't change the fact that he's right about the government and the corporations and what they're doing. I can't find anyone talking about the topics I cover,I'm not inspired by anyone.I actually find it pretty crazy that either nobody wants to talk about how evil and toxic the "good" "moral" people are and how they're leading us to our deaths,or they just can't figure it out because they're too concerned with trying to "out good" each other. Meanwhile all of us are being killed while they do nothing! They aren't good,none of these fuckers are good or moral at all! They're letting children be tortured raped and killed everyday and publicly admit they let it happen.

3 years ago

I know that was all a bit long. But please watch my videos on morality,I talk about these topics at length and I'm not done revealing the truth about these things yet! Wake up and realize your leaders have been lying to you,and let's save our people for real! Re-connect with your core motivations,you wanna be the hero and save your people,our people and that is what matters not some old fogey's 100 year old political propagands


3 years ago

@TheDemonKing: The christian are just the cucks ... i mean of course we have to get rid of cucks to make a viable society. But they aren't the ones controling the media, big tech , big pharma , academia, and all the western governments. Christians are just a dead horse. AJ speak warm truths , just not the burning truths.


3 years ago

And the problem about hearing someone who speak mild truths is that you may be listening to controlled opposition. That's what the "strongests" Christcucks are. Jones ,peterson , watson , etc.


3 years ago

But on the end i agree... we will be killed by our own "principles" , like : " boo hoo, the leftards are already calling us reeeecists and nazis, and mysoginistics.... if we do this and that they will call us even harder wahhhh" , that kind of thinking will be our death... it's just sociopathy in a large scale , a sociopath controls a "cuck" by knowing what buttons to press. that " if we do that we would be just as bad" mentallity is just another button, that they press and laugh at us while doing. The time for making memes about how the left is retarded and amoral , is long gone in my opinion.

3 years ago

@Anticuck: I fuckin hate Peterson and Lauren Southern and all those CUCK SIMP PROGRESSIVES on the "right" too! fuck those people! Maybe you should consider joining my ranks,my hope is I'm gonna be giving out armor and weapons and forming up THIS SUMMER. Granted I'm not wealthy,I'll only be able to equip and prepare a couple dozen people to serve me. But a couple dozen armed and armored men can kick a lot of ass and take a lot of resources....and once I take those resources I can start recruiting first thousands,then millions. And I'm going to be taking slaves,I'm not some billionaire who can just spend millions on labor. And so I'm going to enslave the people wherever I go to kick ass and take names of the new slaves for the ledger! I plan to leave america because it's gonna fall like the soviet union there's gonna be a strong military murdering anyone who disagrees with them,and they're too strong to fight. But all I've gotta do is fight the dipshit untrained cartels and the marxist governments who are running out of bullets in south america,plus plenty of people who I can enslave guilt free. We can always re-take america,but we've gotta wait for it to fully collapse and their military to fall apart first. Then like the Napolean did to a collapsed france I'll come back and easily conquer america and rebuild it to be even better than it was before

3 years ago

@Anticuck: Although at least recently AJ called out Crenshaw,he's literally listed as an alumni for Henry kissinger's school and the world economic forum! lot's of these fuckers are controlled opposition,it's important to realize they speak truths to hide the lies they speak right after. They seek to build trust,then after that trust is built they start with the propaganda. I know I can't fully trust any of these people,but I just need them to tell me what's going on so I know how much time I have. I'm trying to be ready to begin this war in either the summer or the fall. Or if someone wants to serve me and they're stuck in these cities being pressured to either take the shot or get thrown in a concentration camp,I'd accept them early because I'd rather have them here with me helping make and buy the armor and weapons for everyone else who's gonna come serve me. I'd rather have them healthy and well and able to fight,so I wouldn't leave them where they are to be injected....the injections lower a man's total effort values so I'd rather have them remain uninjected because someone who never excercises or works is gonna be more effective than anyone who's taken the injection.

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