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Western White Women are destroying society. UNcensored version
• 08/08/23
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2 years ago
3 or 4 notes in your ring tone and I started "trippin" there was a song that has the lyrics "My eyes have seen" - and I am rather lost - but it was similar to this... - in both age... I will try to find it.
2 years ago
A foot note: Some of these women are double the weight of this guy...... And most of them are as big as him or bigger, some times way bigger......
And the women play rugby because they like a bit of rough and tumble - a bit of pushing and shoving and tough game playing too......
The women want him on the team, none of the other women in the other teams, are refusing to play either as individuals, as a team or as a "movement".....
OK they want to jump on the field and go at it....
So be it.
I have also seen women playing Australian Rules Football - and knocking the absolute crap out of the other chicks on the other team.... Ramming them at a full run - straight into them... I heard the crack of the impact, and the other chick was fucked - like broken ribs kind of fucked - and carted off on a stretcher.
My evil inner city tough girl sisters used to play the none too wise back woods girls in the hockey matches.... At the start of the play, the call is "Hockey 1, Hockey 2, Hockey ----- and the sisters would swing their hockey sticksback wide and fast and smack the girls on the other team, straight in the shin - and literally cripple them and maybe even put them out of the game....
There are women who piss around scratching and pulling hair and shit, and then there are women who can really fight.
2 years ago
Fuck the liberal women and their daughters who want to get fucked up by biological men. I hope he knocks every dumb bitch out that he can and gives them spinal cord and head injuries.
2 years ago
2 years ago
excellent, my ears are not bleeding...