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Shorts - TheLoneWolf
What a woman expected she would have vs what she really has, is quite a surprise to her.
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3 years ago
If a man wants to retire early he needs to go his own way, stay single and use a pro when needed. If he's in the top 5% he can get as much puntang as he can handle, the rest of us have to use a pro, a couple of hundred bucks is worth less than a drained bank account , a life time of debt and misery just to have it all go to her when he hits 50+ because she neds to find herself.
3 years ago
All this CUNT needed was a white streak in her hair and she would look like The Bride Of Frankenstein!
3 years ago
I know lots of women like that and guess what, ALL of them have put themselves into that "working till death" position BY DESIGN. Because nothing creates more drama they so desire than fear of losing one's job and inability to pay your bills, you know? All in exchange for that instant gratification spending money they do not have on things they do not need to impress the people they do not like (i.e. other women). I, on the other hand, had basically retired almost 20 years before my "official" time and have zero drama in my life. Also by design. So yeah, the women like her have no use for me whatsoever. Even for the pump 'n dump...