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What The Prophet Muhammad Did To The Jews Of Madina When They Were Caught Redhanded

334 Views • 08/30/22
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3 years ago

I envy westerners, to have their lives so easy, they have to make stuff up. Hope you're okay.

3 years ago

this story is from long ago and did not originate from any country that would be referred to as the "west"

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I mean how westerners like the Americans can just pick a random country on a map & just move there. Not the whole Abrahamics hatred on the Jews. That 1 is obvious enough.

3 years ago

@Pariah: nothing you said makes any sense in either of your comments. Westerners or Americans cannot just pick a random country and move there. They must be granted a visa that has specific terms dictating how long they can stay, and a detailed list of restrictions based on what visa they get, and the approval of the visa is voluntary based on the host country's choice. There are some countries that have visa free travel, but even that has restrictions too. Even with all that considered only about 40% of Americans even have a passport and a large chunk of those 40% only use the passport to travel to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean which you used to be able to do without a passport not long ago so the percentage of Americans with a passport used to be even lower. What is the "Abrahamic hatred of Jews?" Judaism is an Abraham religion as well as Christianity and Islam. I don't even understand what you mean by this.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Applying for a visa is normal, making a passport isn't hard. Many 1st world countries has traveling-without-visa privilege. You can simply pick a poorer country & all you need is some money on you & just fly there. While I , need months of preparation to make a visa to go anywhere. And weren't you trying to say the story of this vid was about Muhammad not liking the Jews? But the dislike of the Jews from other Abrahamic faith is nothing new. Islam is about 700 yrs younger than Christianity, and it's not like Islam ever hides the fact they borrow a lot of beliefs from Christianity, the hatred of the Jews are just 1 of said beliefs.

3 years ago

@Pariah: @Pariah: you are describing is a factor of money then, that has nothing to do with america or the west in particular, it is simply whether you have a lot of money or not, this is what determines if you will have the ability to travel to poorer countries as you please. people with active passports don't even use them each and every year because of the expense. I have heard that in poor countries, the embassies there are very restrictive in allowing their own citizens to travel, but that's because they think they will not come back and because they are tyrants, this is not the fault of any western country that the leaders of the third world treat their own people like this. I bet if you were rich in those countries though, you wouldn't have this problem. As far as the allegation of the other abrahamic faiths hating jewish people, I think you have it backwards, Muslims have conflicts with jews because of the bad deeds of the those who call themselves the jews in the modern era, they took land from the Palestinians for instance. If a group of people keep doing bad things to your group it would be reasonable to expect that there would be some conflict. This is not to paint all modern muslims as innocent people, they have their own share of problems and wrongdoings as well. As far as Christians, the mainstream view is outspoken support for the Jewish people that is also backed up with action by the west. The Balfour declaration was supported by western powers and mainstream Christianity, USA gives massive amounts of money and military assistance to Israel, the US soldiers helped save the jews in WWII, the jewish people are extremely over represented in the government, and jewish people have enormous amounts of wealth and influence in the west. The Western support of Israel has led to massive conflict in the middle east so it has come at a very high cost. So how is it that you see it as the jews being hated, rather than people having conflict with them for the evil deeds they commit? This is exactly what occurred in the story amr is talking about here, the Jews of Medina betrayed a sworn loyalty and sided with the pagans when medina was under seige. They were judged by their own Jewish leader and were executed based on the rules of their own scripture. The story is more complex then what I laid out, but how do you call it hatred when a group continually violates ethics and laws and people dislike them for that?


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I sense a Jew in an ADL cubicle trying to measure the temperature of the Goyim. I hope he got SCORCHED for his isolence.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: It's super easy for you to make money, though. Hence why foreigners want to migrate and work in your country. And I know this because I've done it. And yes, yes, let's not forget, hating the Jews stopped being trendy after WW2. The Arabs merely keeping that tradition alive. I don't bother trying to understand the US govts or the American politics anymore, ever since the American youths seems to have a fascination over communism, it just shows I can't take the Americans that seriously.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Lucky there are no Jews where I live, then. The pork scares them away.


3 years ago

@Pariah: "Trendy" has NOTHING to do with the decrease of public hatred of Jews. Jewish control over the (((MEDIA))), education, and entertainment, quelled the natural and rational hatred of Jews and the political diseases they always bring to their host countries. American youths are fascinated with a highly whitewashed presentation of communism. And who has 100% control over that perception? JEWS. Finally, thank God, Allah, common sense, etc. that the Arabs still have the courage to call out the DEMON JEWS. There is still a very small percentage of Americans who are not GOLEMS and we are to be taken seriously. The rest............. yeah....., they are GOLEMS and not to be taken seriously.


3 years ago

@Pariah: Here is one of the very few true Americans still alive and doing what he should be doing:


3 years ago

@Pariah: Click on the above pic to open in a new tab and then zoom in to better read the text.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Sure, sure, The Jews didd some hateful things in the past. But can you really blame them, when the most popular religion in Europe blames their entire group for the death of Jesus & pogrom was the order of the day? The Chinese are similar to the Jews on this. If they know they are being a target of attack, attain the positions of power. Hate the Jews as much as they want. Remember, the Arabs are also the children of the Jews through the lineage of Ishmael. And this Ishmael line are nothing but sand barbarians until white people harnesses the power of crude oil. When this black goo is gone, the Arabs will be nothing, and you'll still have to contend with the Jews. Also, a kind reminder, the way you see these Jews, are basically how the SJW idiots see white people right now.


3 years ago

@Pariah: You are not dealing with the average ignorant Goy. I KNOW YOU JEWS far better than you think. The Jews continue their hatred of Whites and implement that hatred within U.S. laws. I am determined to strip Jews of their Special Status and force my fellow Whites to see you DEMON JEWS as you really are. What is the deep core of the Jew? It is the Seven Things That God Hates. Proverbs 6:16-19. Why can't Jews be remediated? Lying, stealing, and deception are baked into the Jewish DNA. It's in your blood and even mixed Jews (down to 1/8) I've found to have the same psychotic nature. The strength of evil is in proportion to the JEW MIND VIRUS they are born with. Psalms 58:3. As for TODAY, your demon Jew leaders, like Abe Foxman of the ADL, make no attempt to hide their hatred of Whites. That goes double for your rabbis. THAT'S WHY A TOTAL *SHOAH* IS NECESSARY.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I don't recall when I became a Jew, considering you contribute so much intelligence & achievement to their entire race. I suppose I should take it as a compliment. So you blame to know the Jews so well, i do not see the US doing anything near what you claim you want to do. If anything, quite the opposite. White people are being instilled with self-hate, minorities are celebrated to high heavens. And all you can do, is accusing people you didn't like a Jew. Wait, that's like what the white libtards do, accusing anyone they don't like as Fascist Nazis (an oxymoron, but Americans at large are laughably illiterate, ah well). In a world of Machiavellian, don't be a Kantian.


2 years ago

@Pariah: You put out a rather conflicting and confusing message. Typical smoke screen by both Jews, Shabbos Goys, and West Europeans who are determined to obey their Jewish masters and help their fellows commit racial suicide. . If you don't see the insanity in the U.S, then your credibility is shot already. On the flip side, you are correct about Whites being demonized but, your willful blindness to (((WHO))) is pumping the propaganda is telling. I don't reflexively call people Jews but, I check them out and I'm usually very accurate. I can tell you have NO CLUE about the dark nature of Jews as a whole and, quite often, as individuals. "Libtard" is a juvenile snark against something quite sinister and must be treated seriously.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I am confusing to you because I am different from the Jewish me you have in your mind's eye. But I know you are lonely tenough you'd want to talk to me regardless, so don't pat yourself in the back too hard on this one, inquisitor. Your hatred of the Jews & the declining of your civilization is still not my problem. Sad? Maybe & funny? Yes. Ultimately, your interaction makes me glad I'm not an Abrahamic like you. Claims to pray to the same god, hates each other to the bones. You say you are fighting against the Jews who supposedly dominating your civilization, I don't see you doing anything but telling me how much you want me to be a Jew.


2 years ago

@Pariah: You don't know me very well, crypto-Jew. I renounced Christianity and Jesus since both were invented at the Council of Nicea. Everybody has a role in fighting the Jews and not everyone is called to physical action. Just getting the Sheeple to understand what is really happening is a huge effort. It is enough for me to simply reinforce what the wise already know about the Jews. I learned about the Jews on my own and despite having a very nice and respectable upbringing. Two parent home, Dad worked, Mom stayed home, and I grew up in a solid Methodist home. The path from THAT to NOW was very long and arduous; with a lot of doubts and discoveries mixed together. To renounce Christianity was a HARD thing to do but, once my eyes were opened and began seeing the Big Picture, there's no turning back. What do YOU HAVE but the trite Jewish trash that clutters your brain?


2 years ago

@Pariah: Since you claim to not be a Jew, then what are you?

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I never made my origin a secret, but you seem to be really desperate in making me a Jew lol. You may claim to not be a Christian anymore, yet you still cling to that good ol' Abrahamic tradition of hating them. Very much like the American atheists who can't shut up about Christianity. It is funny, you white people are so worked up when those woke SJWs say you are evil racists because you're white & the Brit ancestors bought some black slaves & created a global empire. You claim you're fighting against the Jews, I don't see it, all you do is calling me 1. And the west doesn't share your mentality either.


2 years ago

@Pariah: I don't see any claim of who you are. I have no problem with criticizing the West for its current proclivity of self-destruction. What I'm seeing from you is an astonishing (and willful) ignorance of Jews and their part in undermining the West. Your writing style is very Jewish and that is not hard to do IF all you know is what Jews have taught you via schools, entertainment, and media. BTW, "hatred" is NOT A BAD THING if it is aimed at a group which has OPENLY declared war on the White Race. The JEWS ran the trans-Atlantic slave trade. NOT WHITES. If you don't believe me, then believe the Negroes who finally opened their eyes and saw their true oppressor. Believe the Jews themselves!


2 years ago

@Pariah: You will have to click on the entityart link. Sometimes they don't pop open.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: You can scroll up & see my conversation with the other fellow lol. It was you who jumped right on the "Oh, you must be a Jew" lol. I don't even know what is this whole "writing style is very Jewish" is even is. All I know, is that, I'm not going on some obsessive tirade about how much you hate a certain race. I also tell you there are no Jews where I lived, you insisted in not believing me & keep calling me a Jew. And then you say I am clueless about them. Like, you're not a genius here, you merely catching up to everything I've told you lol. I don't mind waiting for you to keep catching up, really. This thing we have here is fascinating to me. You think you are fighting a war with righteous fury, but all I see, is someone angry & aimlessly wailing their arms, hoping to hit something, hoping to celebrate any smallest of victories you could attain as some sort of an epic battle. You can say I was wrong about the west or the Jews as much as you want, I see their "lies" coming true than yours.


2 years ago

@Pariah: One can take on the Jewish mindset simply by being open to the popular culture and the Political Correctness paradigm. I point out where it comes from. As for fighting Jewish degeneracy, it is enough of a battle to fight the engineered ignorance that most people have. I am content to educate those who are already aware of the Jews and maybe reach a few who are ready to learn because they, at least, know something is dreadfully wrong and the Jewish narrative isn't getting to the root of the problem.


2 years ago

@Pariah: I still don't see any claim of who you are. The closest thing I see is that you might be Arab but, Islam is most certainly part of the Abrahamic trilogy of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. You might be a Donmeh Jew who is masqerading as a Muslim in Saudi Arabia or Turkey. .Just spit it out.


2 years ago

@Pariah: I also sense that you are very well educated but, being able to smootlhly dispense Establishment talking points means nothing. In modern times, "education" has become a liability because it is mostly Leftist indoctrination with some technical skills thrown in. At best, in American colleges, we graduate highly-trained barbarians but, they are barbarians nonetheless. They might even have decent manners but, are dangerously ignorant of the Jew Mind Virus that is destroying their civilization.


2 years ago

@Pariah: You will have to admit that it is fascinating to find a White Man who still has fire in his system and has NOT become a spiritual slave of the Jews. THAT is what troubles Jews I actually lock horns with. They are not accustomed to a White Man who SEES THEM through their camouflage and calls them out. ESPECIALLY when I use their own words, their own rabbis, their own prominent members, as evidence against them!

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: The only fire I see in you is that of a drunkard, good sir. You still want me to be a Jew again. I already pointed out there are no Jews where I live & why it is so. I can just copy everything you ranted about them & replace the word Jews with White people, then that's exactly what you hear from the SJW & libtards all the time. You keep praising their genius, yet all you do is showing them how right they are. Like I said, the destruction of the west & your hatred of the Jews aren't my problem. All I see you doing is screaming at me, as your white fellows bicker at 1 another. I don't see any grand strategy plan you keep claiming to have on defeating your supposed enemy at all. But I don't know why you claim to be so free from their shackles when all you talk about is the Jews lol. Your obsession is borderline unhealthy & your rant makes me wonder if you just want to talk to an imaginary version of me you have in your head than actually talking to me, because you seem to be quite capable of keep making things up about me. Education in itself isn't a problem, the problem is the subject matter. So you don't like the American education, what are you going to do about it? I don't see you being any better educated yourself, because all you do is rant & accuse. Which led me to my original point. Your hated enemy are the ones succeeding their goals, while you play pretend a resistance movement, with no real work to show for.

3 years ago

Based and Effective, we are all in this together, kill the jews.

3 years ago

Just say no to Antisemitism. 6 million murdered Jews will thank you.

3 years ago

You arent semitic you fake "jew" all are inbred turkish blood


3 years ago

Muh Six Million NEVER HAPPENED. Even your precious JEWS hate you.


3 years ago

@csehszlovakze: Since JEWS completely control Washington, they can impose and enforce Talmudic law through it. Because JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity) is a legal descendent of Judaism, Christians "voluntarily" put themselves under the Jews whether they know it or not. Everything in Christianity, from top to bottom, is JEWISH and Jews really don't care if we believe that a rebellious rabbi was made into our Savior at the Council of Nicea. We are CATTLE, at best, and are fit only to be their SLAVES. When slaves and cattle are rebellious, Jews claim their god-given right in both the Talmud and Torah to punish us for insubordination. THAT is why "muh antisemitism" gets punished but nothing happens when Whitey suffers from Jewish aggression via their pets i.e. BLM, SPLC, black gangs, etc.

3 years ago

Glad to see your video again.


I am on a scraping the last bits of data day - so the MP3 was really good...

It's too easy to chew up lots of data on videos... = $$$$ cost over run.

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