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When you overestimate tour value.

134 Views • 05/18/22
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She is a fucking idiot......

He is on the phone doing his own shit - and he is not paying her any attention AT ALL - and of course she just has to lock the door with a super loud click - just as he is right beside it and walking past in a phone call....

Jesus - a dead give away....

"The attention seeking whore - just has to go out of her way to aggravate the guy."

"He's after me, he's after me - HE is a psycho arsehole - Oh My God - Lock the DOOR - Click!"

If the guy was really going after her, a partially open window - this is quite easy to go straight through. Just like a fully closed window.

She really is a brainless, annoying, attention seeking cunt.

She is the type of idiot you do not talk too, interact with, invite in / home, avoid her at all costs kind of shit because she is a maliciously stupid cunt - who causes aggravation where ever she goes.

His response though, was pretty on the mark for a passing "smear" from her - he ought to have said, "I am not going to kidnap you, because you are a retarded arsehole" - though she is nice looking... but I guess the looks comment is all that this manipulative bitch understands.

It reminds me of a late night cross town walk though Melbourne once - and there was a big street - WIDE and divided probably 40 or 50 meters wide - etc., and I was walking along on one side, and there were about 8 or 10 women out of a night club, all squatting down - pissing and shitting in the kind of concealed ally way...

I looked across and "OH yeah - no big deal" and I just ignored them and kept on walking.

But there was one of them, the dumbest fucking one of the lot - none of them knew that I had seen them and ignored them and was just walking along.... so as far as they all knew, I had not of seen them.

AND what did the IDIOT do, squatting down with one arm behind her on the ground and using other chicks tissues to wipe her arse after having a shit - skirt up and cunt and arsehole and a big pile of shit there for all the world to see - she starts screaming at the top of her lungs, "Oh my god it's a man, it's a man - Oh fuck - Oh fuck!". And on and on she goes...

So if I had not of seen them, and they had of kept it quiet and low key, they would have remained invisible, I could have continued walking along as if I had of never seen them, but the big mouthed idiot - in doing what she did - that would have made them noticed by everyone in the almost totally abandoned street - for a block in either direction...

I just thought it was a pity that non of her friends were smart enough to kick this big mouthed idiot / drama queen / attention whore in the head.

This idiot on the street, was just like this fucking idiot in the car....

Generating the drama, attention, hostility and bad vibes - just by being a fucking idiot.

This is why you walk away from shit head women / people like this, as they are nothing but "gaol bait".

"Naaaa Not buying into this - Pass", and keep on moving.


And these women, and vermin like them, are the kinds who love to cry wolf - and when the wolf comes, "Hey - want some BBQ sauce with that?"

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