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Where Are All These Lesbians Coming From? - MGTOW

367 Views • 06/10/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Skirt Club <br> <br> <br>Men and Women Respond Identically to Erotic Images <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Truth Seeker and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi, Sandman! I'm a guy from Norway pushing 50, that relies more on observation and research regarding women, than actual experience. What I have noticed is that women's lack of interest in men, is often explained away, with them wanting high status men, men with resources and sometimes men with the best bodies/DNA for their reproductive urges. But female homosexuality is becoming more and more common. Like Skirt-Club that has venues for bi-curious women in more than 20 cities all over the world: Then there is research showing no difference in how male and female brains react to erotic visual stimuli, and the complete failure of the magazine 'Playgirl' to attract female readers. Leading to the obvious conclusion that women are more aroused by women's bodies than men's. And the constant blaming of men for only 30% of women being able to reach orgasm, when women have no problem reaching it when being with other women. This might also correlate to the revelation made by one of the spicey websites that ends with the second word hub, that most of their female viewers watch spicy content with two women gettin it on. So these facts have led me to the conclusion that when it comes to sexuality, and not need for male validation, relationship or primal reproductive urges, women are more homosexual than heterosexual. Would love to hear your thoghts on these issues. Best Regards, 'Truth-Seeker'&quot; Well Truth-Seeker thanks for the donation and topic. I like to rely on as much data as possible and the first thing I want to share is this poll that I've shared before in another video showing that 16 percent of zoomers are LGBT. In 2 generations if the trend of doubling continues from one generation to the next fifty to sixty percent of males and females will be LGBT. The question is is this just the way women have always been or is there something more to it? My Sandman Spidey sense is telling me that since our soyciety has been over sexualized it's taking a lot more to turn both men and women on. Since the female body is more visually appealing I don't blame women for being turned on by it. Then again women being more interested in women might just be a natural part of our species. Take a look at this Tweet that Mr. Obvious shared about how the disintigration of the family and rise in homosexuality led to the fall of Rome. He thinks we are going through something similar in the west right now. I agree. Chastity is all about harnessing human productive energy to build civilization. Uncontrolled sexual energy leads to the destruction of civilization because when you're into pleasure you have nothing to show for it except a temporary good feeling followed by chasing the next sexual high. But when you aren't sexually satisfied you have to keep working on other things in life and transmute your sexual energy into your family or your work. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

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5 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

There aren't as many lesbians as you think I've had 3 lesbian friends and I've banged 2 of them and I treated all of them as just one of the guys.


Women are basically sex addicts by default...
The endless masturbating with vibrators and dildos and fucking around and going lez when there is no dick to stick.
"I want a fuck, I want a fuck, I want a fuck, I want a fuck, I want a fuck" - that is about all they think about.

3 years ago

Hmm, I think the issue is that their subconscious brains are telling to get bred, but because of all the ways there are to protect from getting knocked up— it creates a loop where their bodies need to get pregnant but it’s not able to achieve its main objective. Therefore the whole baby rabbies is merely their body going into overheat due not being able to achieve its main prerogative.

3 years ago

As such I think that these drugs has created a major disruption in the human breeding cycle.


@eldrazi317: That is exactly the same thing that I hypothesied. They are in the only time of their lives where they are FERTILE, young and healthy (?????) and they are getting their brains fucked out, but they are NOT conceiving (contraceptives) nor carrying to full term (abortions) and the giant main spring called life and fertility - is winding down on the only shot that they will ever have at it.

3 years ago

I was watching Black Mirror the other day when this episode with Anthony Macky where he is smashing his guy friend in an ultra realist VR game appear. And it made me realise that the transwomen will get mighty when the Metaverse perfected version will be out.

3 years ago

Sandman that is an interesting thought however I think the lack of ambition in the end falls down to the very deepest parts of one’s mind. From my own experience after reading think and grow rich I’ve found that it’s all a mental state. One simply must begin crafting their mind and body— I personally now view this live as a video game where I’m the main character. Compared to people who waste their lives on leveling up and grinding a make believe character. I instead work on grinding the only character that matters— me, myself, and I.

3 years ago

As for sexual gratification, I’m not so sure. I have a sexdoll and used the knowledge obtained to twist my subconscious to perceive her as a mate. It is an inherent need of any male to protect and provide. Simply the mind/brain is a machine and it is up to us to willfully chose which programs/viruses to accept. My doll for example serves as a sort of firewall against the need the natural male urge to be with a female— therefore it allows me to be selective with any female I may chose without having any emotional attachment.

3 years ago

However as it stands the market is a mere dumpster; looking would be akin to dumpster diving.

3 years ago

There's less women reaching orgasm than I would've guessed.

3 years ago

Perhaps it has to do with the lowering levels of oxytocin? It’d be hilarious that the same chemical that provides the capability to bond to a male is the same that also provides the main sexual pleasure a female gets from sex. If so then it’s ironic that as they waste away their life on the CC the pleasure they obtain from sex lessens as their oxytocin levels lower.


@eldrazi317: Haaaa they also get numb cunts from using vibrators too much.

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