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Where Are The Good Men? Where Are The Good Women? Call In Show

3 Views • 05/31/20
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Thugs, Nice Guys, Players, and Good Black Men <br> <br>This question has been asked for decades. As if all of the &quot;good black men&quot; went extinct right along with the dinosaurs. However, over the last several years many credible outlets have shown and proved that not only that &quot;good black men' exist.......they are plentiful. <br> <br>The question is <br> <br>&quot;Ladies, what would you do if you got one?&quot; <br> <br>Thugs, Nice Guys, and Players: Black College Women's Partner Preferences and Relationship Expectations <br>Author(s): Kristie A. Ford <br> <br>&quot;In particular, black women are attracted to men who physically embody the black masculine thug ideal. Simultaneously, they are not looking for a man who dresses like a thug or behaves like a player. Rather, they want a nice guy. <br>Based on these idealized notions of black masculinity, some of these black women contend that there are no more good black men. From their review and experiences, the numbers of available and dateable black men are diminished by an abundance of black men who are players, those who date white women, others who are incarcerated, and still others who are gay or bisexual. <br>Thus, black women may choose to limit their dating efforts. <br> <br>Mass media images of black masculinity and black femininity can have an especially pernicious effect on how black men and women perceive one another. . . . African American women who see black men as being criminally inclined, promiscuous, and dangerous evaluate the worth of their potential sexual partners and love interests through distorted lenses. &quot; <br> <br> <br>Join Zoom Meeting <br> <br> • Please get in a quiet area with low or no background noise. <br> • Turn off TV and all windows and applications other than ZoomUS. <br> • No speaker or bluetooth use headphones if needed. <br> • Make sure your camera and light source are in FRONT of you not behind. <br> • Please limit your responses to 30 seconds and do not talk over other guests. <br> • Why the host speaks please do not interrupt or attempt to over talk. <br> • Remember this is a show with hundreds of viewers and thousands of playbacks act accordingly. <br> <br> <br>Support the channel here: <br>* Donate: <br>* Super Chat: <br>* PayPal: <br>* CashApp:$bykevinsamuels <br>* Patreon: <br>_________________________________________________ <br> <br>Book your 1 on 1 Virtual Consultation: <br> <br> <br>Shop here: <br> <br>_____________________________________________________________ <br>Follow me on social media <br>Facebook: <br>Instagram: <br>Twitter: <br>Snapchat: <br>Business Inquiries: [email protected] <br>________________________________________________________________

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