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White Guilt Vs White rage
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4 years ago
I spent my whole life playing music with all kinds of people no one gave a shit about color . Now I have to learn how to be a racist ! That's what the left wanted ! To turn all of us against each other . I'm a child of the 60's look at woodstock in 69 no race problem we all got along fine ! And I have seen in my lifetime more hate from the Black community then any other race of people . And none of the blacks of today were slaves not there parents or grand parents either if you want to go back in time we all were slaves at one time or another ... So now you paint all white people as racist ? The Blacks are 18 % of the people What do you think will happen when 73% of white Majority get pissed off ...A Race war is That What you want ? The Dems do .Are you going to follow them or think for yourself . People don't start out as Haters you learn how to hate ! You put little kids together at 5 Years old in kinder garden they all play together Happily.. 12 Years latter in Highschool they have learned to Hate . FACT's Are Facts . Stop Pushing HATE !
5 years ago
I'm white.... I have no privilege and have no guilt.... I'm just a white dude who see's this insanity for what it is, this is nothing more then a communist take over of the US this whole racism issue is the zionist regime trying to divide people so we don't go after the oppressive parasites.... unfortunately people are buying into this BS narrative......
5 years ago
George Floyd is a freemanson, an actor.