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White Knights Are More Dangerous Than Women - MGTOW
Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Jesse and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, could you comment about the baby mama who sent her boyfriend to attack bodega owner Jose Alba in New York City." Well Jesse thanks for the donation and topic. So to sum things up in Harlem Jose Alba stabbed a man on camera over a bag of chips after they got into a fight. Austin Simon the man that was ended in this case went in Simon went in and attacked him. All that because Simon's partner went into the store earlier and didn't have enough cash to pay for the bag of chips. First off if Jose Alba was also black this story wouldn't be receiving as much attention but since he's a Latin man he's lower on the social justice victim-hood hierarchy. Plus Simon never should have assaulted Alba. He was asking for trouble. We will probably never know what his lady friend told him to do but it's safe to assume that her pet white knight simp was wearing his finest pair of rose tinted love goggles and was irrational because he was in love. Alba was just defending himself against a love sick simp in love. He jabbed him a couple of times in the chest in self defense but he's being prosecuted for criminal murder. Society has to encourage white knighting by punishing those that stand up to white knights. The majority of men are married or in relationships so they are backing the female collective and defending it. That's why I'm not surprised that Jose Alba was charged. As of scripting this video bodega owners are pushing the Manhatten District Attorney, a black man named Alvin Bragg to drop the charges. Bragg is a black man and he's in a tough position because if he doesn't defend another black man then his own community will get angry with him. But if he doesn't drop the charges then in my opinion he's not really serving up justice. What we don't hear about is too much about Simon's girlfriend. Most of the articles didn't mention that she was his girlfriend or that she was a single mother. So Simon was simping for a single mother and lost his life for her honor. I guess just like there's a sucker born every second there's also a simp born every second as well. According to the New York Penal code "A person may use physical force upon another person to defend themselves against unlawful force" Now that's going to have to be proven in court all because some drama queen didn't have enough money to pay for a bag of chips and sicked her pet simp on the store owner. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.
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3 years ago
what a shame another dead weak man, criminal, cheers to the shop owner for making it home
3 years ago
The dumbest type of man is the emotionally manipulatable:
"Simp... Simp... desperation for pvssy".
Replicant Fish
3 years ago
Damn Sandman, love your thumbnail. It reminds me of that photographer who caught true emotion the way a painter would. There was a Joe Pesci film about him. Your creative juices put you in the same class!
3 years ago
Thank you for this story about the sailors who didn't simp for a bunch of feminists demanding they die for them.
In Christianity, a husband has a duty to protect his wife, which is the flip-side of the wife's duty to obey her husband. Men do not have such a duty to protect women they are not related to, that is not a Christian value. Those sailors who were married to a woman who was not on board, if they died for some other women, it'd have been a betrayal of their marriage and fatherhood. They'd have been robbing their wives and children of a husband and father who provides for them and protects them from danger.
The men who shoved the cunts off the lifeboats are good Christians! The men who chose death over social persecution are cowards! Simpdom is and always has been rooted in cowardice.
3 years ago
That class of subjects (the white knights) even harm the lives of other Men.
3 years ago