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White Women Are Stealing All The High Value Men
Intro 0:00 <br>Show Starts: 15:07 <br>Monologue: 19:22 The Godfather talks Interracial dating. <br>Money World????: 48:35 <br>First Caller: 54:12 38y/o woman says it's preference and lack of certain qualities, says she left her HVM early in life but had kids with him?? <br>Second Caller: 1:17:58 43y/o WW calls in to thank The Godfather for "free game", says she's unlearning feminism? <br>1:20:22 The Godfather continues conversation with the first caller. <br>Third Caller: 1:25:54 31y/o woman looking for HVM but sleeping with her ex? says BW aren't in "those spaces" as BM. <br>Fourth Caller: 1:46:01 married woman calls in to thank The Godfather, says her children's lineage owes him their lives? ? <br>Fifth Caller: 1:50:53 she says BW feel "entitled" to BM and don't want to do the work to attract one. <br>Sixth Caller: 1:52:49 28y/o woman says it's hard to find HVM BM to date, The Godfather investigates. <br>2:00:44 The Godfather continues conversation with the first caller it finally ends in Taps??! <br>The Godfather summarizes the show/Previews next shows: 2:12:29
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