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White Women Ignoring Black Men LOL - MGTOW

425 Views • 12/28/21
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Do not let men of color triangulate you against women of color

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he very briefly has to say: "BWAHAHAHA!!!! This thread which I've shared with you called "Do Not Let Men Of Color Triangulate You Against Women Of Color which is (now locked) will probably give you another decade of material (no need to mention my name)" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I've put it in the description. It was posted by some FDS or Female Dating Strategy Nubie and here's what she has to say and I quote: "Howdy Yall, Note: I am a white woman, so if anything I say is out of turn, let me know. I've noticed how a lot of black/brown men aggressively pursue white women and give bare minimum to women who look like them. As white women, we should never be flattered by men disparaging women of their own race to appeal to us or make us feel "special". A lot of black men want a non-black woman to feel like they have a "prize" or to play out their pornified "bbc" fantasies about taking a white man's woman. Do not play into it, he does not care about you as a person at all, only what you represent. They are trying to create the illusion that black men have all these dating options outside of their race while black women have none and therefore should only settle for "struggle love". Ultimately, this triangulation is meant to manipulate black women." unquote. Mr. Anonymous my first thought was that FDS Newbie is probably a darker skinned lady that doesn't like the competition from white gals stealing what she sees as brothers from other mothers that she wants to be her lovers. Why else would bringing up race be important. Of course if anyone asked her she would probably say that she's just trying to atone for her white privilege of more easily being able to attract black men. Black lives matter types promote the idea of white privilege but then those women want to swirl with a white dude but at the same time the hypocrisy is there where they don't want black males to swirl with white women. They want to increase their potential sperm pool. The left is hilarious because they promote race mixing and that everyone should be brown but when black men mix with white women the black women on the left lose their minds because they appear to believe that black men are their property. Maybe black women need to look back on the days of slavery when white masters owned black slaves and be careful that they aren't treating their own men in a similar way? I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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8 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

sounds like a mudshark who got dumped by Tyrone


3 years ago

If you chase cunt, you are just wrong.


3 years ago

Simps come in all colors.


3 years ago

There is NO FORGIVENESS for mudsharks. It is even worse than premeditated murder.

There is only ONE RESPONSE for mudsharking.

Brian Coley
Brian Coley
3 years ago

Yep, hang yourself!


3 years ago

@BigBrianUK: Another Jew (or Jew sympathizer) in the house, I see. The Rope is also ready for Jews and their Shabbos Goy helpers.

3 years ago

I realize I'm a minority, within a minority. Perhaps bc I was raised by a masculine father (a WW II veteran of the China/Burma theatre) who sloshed through the bullsh!t of his backstabbing coworkers, admonishing him for actually "working" a full day for a full day's pay. That's how I was taught. He worked two, sometimes three jobs to keep us fed, clothed, and sheltered, while also putting aside money for a house, which he bought for his family back in '69 (my mother got it in their divorce back in '75); back when black families held the highest percentage of two parent households, before LBJ's bullsh!t policies (War on Poverty, Civil Rights Law, etc). It was what it was. Never had to chase women. As Morgan Freeman said, "I let them chase me". Color didn't matter. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Samoan. I dated them all back in the day.


3 years ago

Men and women are very different in terms of biological value in Nature. It's one thing for a man to waste his seed and energy on a woman outside his race. He is easily replaceable in Nature's scheme. Women, OTOH, have very limited reproduction opportunities and that Golden Vagina is the gateway to the all important womb. WHITE WOMBS ARE SCARCE and to deliberately pollute a White Womb with a nigger or comparable colored is beyond evil. AT BEST, mudsharking women should be sterilized and forced to work in Caribbean brothels for the rest of their lives! If these White cunts have such disrespect for themselves and their ancestors, then they should be sexually used by niggers until they DIE.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: This comment is cringe. What about Asians and whites? thats common already

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: feminism took hold of the world because pf the weakness of white men to them. They do whatever they want and so do the rest now. I didn’t realize you were this foolish. Yet another example that maturity and age are completely irrelevant to each other. Sometimes I wish life was as simple as you believe it is.


3 years ago

@MAC88: Nothing cringe at all. Asians are far more advanced than Negroes or Mestizos or the dark races. It's one thing to conduct trade, interact in social affairs, and even share culture. But, there's NEVER an excuse to breed outside of one's own race. That is a hard line that must be enforced.


3 years ago

@MAC88: You're not dealing with an ordinary Gentile. I see you Jews, know your historical revisionist tricks, and your skills in normalizing the abnormal. JEWS AND FEMINISM GO TOGETHER. It was Christianity that was designed to neutralize us and make us vulnerable to Jewish treachery. The more schooled in Christianity a person is, the more blind they are to Jewish evil, like feminism. Yes, people often don't gain wisdom over time but, merely oxidize into old age. I can assure you that I have the wisdom you utterly lack and that wisdom cuts hard against your Jewish consciousness. That is the only thing you can protest. BTW, I am also familiar with the Jewish tactic of trying to make simple truths ineffective in the face of complexities on the ground. I am aware of the complexities and I am also aware when those complexities are Jew-invented smoke screens. I am the sword that cuts asunder the Gordian Knots of Jewish madness.


3 years ago

@MAC88: Eat this, Jew.... one of your own.


3 years ago

@MAC88: Eat this Jew.... another one of your own.


3 years ago

@MAC88: Here's the main entree, Jew. A buffet of reasons why Jews are the prime disease vector of feminism and YOU ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: lol, Money,power,prestige and tools that been used to advance in society. Any nation/ethnic group can acquire them. Arabs, Indians, Ethiopians, Aztecs, Japanese, Russians, Germans. It doesn’t matter. Depending on so many factors, empires and enterprises held by these ethnic groups rise and fall. You mentioned you had a jewish financial advisor one time. Clearly he saw you as easy prey since he didn’t bother bestowing common financial sense to you.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: And removing the jews will remove feminism? From china? the west? latin America? Asia? Africa? Oh I guess you don’t care about Africa. You blame the jews yet israel suffers the same fate as we speak. Low replacement levels. Secular society. Feminism. Child support, Divorce. Traditional jews are controlled by their domineering wives and mothers. They spoil there daughters to become the same way.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I blame myself for interacting with a stubborn boomer. People can only change when they need to. Comments are an ineffective means of creating lasting change in others.


3 years ago

@MAC88: I enjoy sharpening my sword with you. I don't expect to change your mind but, I enjoy these exchanges for other men who see the Jew Mind Virus and want to watch a verbal battle take place. If they like the way I handle it, then great. If they see my thrust and parry and say, "InfiniteMushroom got off a few good blows with "X" but I would've said "Y" instead. GREAT!!! If I inspire men to fight back against anti-White Jewish hatred, then we've both done a noble work.


3 years ago

@MAC88: My financial advisor was recommended to me and I let him handle my finances. I never discuss anything outside of that and my relationship with him is one of mutual respect. I know, you're shocked. I get along with everybody except when certain hard lines are breached and mudsharking is one of them. Incessant calls for White Genocide is another. With YOU, we are in one of the few free forums where Jews cannot censor that which exposes their past perfidies and crimes against their gullible hosts. So, don't feel bad about arguing with me. It will be good for your intellectual muscles and YOU need to be educated on Jewish Privilege and Jewish Hate! How do you like getting a taste of your own medicine, eh???


3 years ago

@MAC88: You don't want change. You want acquiescence and for Goys like me to lay back down and be good docile slaves. Just paraphrasing one of your own....

3 years ago

@MAC88: Europa: The Last Battle, its a 10 part documentary that explains everthing. Download it

3 years ago

@02WhiteWs6: I’ve seen it before. Thats why I don’t mind talking to others who share this view. I disagree with it and it’s fundamentally rooted in insecurity. Nothing wrong with preserving your culture and people. Which is why MGTOW offers you that solution. Traditionalism. Which is what that entire documentary preaches at an extreme won’t ever be accepted by women. Or are you willing to wage a war against the entire world and kill millions if not billions of men. White and others. All for an ego boost. I understand the mentality. Black men also have a similar racial complex. “we were kings”. Entire ideologies based on the idea that black people were the real jews. The real egyptians. the real native americans. And fundamentally hate white people. Who they call Caucasiods in the same vulgar manner boomer mushroom here called them the N word. The hate. the ego. the arrogance. It feels good to be apart of something larger. Redirect that power to MGTOW. Free yourself from the chains of biology and women. Focus on preserving and building your own bloodline. With men free. Only then will you ever have any chance at this european utopia you have in your mind. But this will be better. You don’t want traditionalism. You want the ideal.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Great keeper of Wisdom as proclaimed, where may one learn as to be comparable to yourself? Genuinely interested even tho I may disagree with a keen number of your points.


3 years ago

@Vandetta: My wisdom comes from greater men than I. I simply apply them to the argument at hand. I also point out the (((GUILTY))) by THEIR OWN WORDS. The vast majority of my posts haul up THE GUILTY like dirty bedsheets on a flagpole. Their own stains are there for everybody to see even as (((THEY))) try to blame others for making the mess. https://worldtruthvideos.websi....te/upload/photos/202

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