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Who else has blocked that foot fetish simp?
• 02/10/21
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4 years ago
Most fetishes are trivial and not far removed from normal behavior. Foot fetish is a true mental disorder and such simps need to be put out of their misery.
4 years ago
4 years ago
i blocked that person as well; in short i also reported him. Crap like that should not be posted here
4 years ago
4 years ago
My block list is approaching triple digits, almost nothing to see… Anymore. This shyt is a lonely journey for sure. SIMP on overdrive. Read Esther Villar for f***s sake guys. <3 lol
4 years ago
4 years ago
Fook yeah, gonna block sourdough foot guy's channel immediately. I mean there's porn sites for that simp garbage. Why would you even entertain that shit if you mgtow in here? Probably cause his wifey put him up to it hahaha.
4 years ago
4 years ago
@AmanleyLoad: he unblocked me just so he can write some slanderous messages on my videos. Apparently he went really vindictive when he saw my comments on your video here. With a flurry of baseless insults like always. All because i made him look like an idiot once and he became very vindictive and slanderous to the point where he made up shit about me. Some of it was true but only the stuff that I wrote. All the shit he added were complete fake news.
4 years ago