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Who exactly entered Bucha once Russian troops left?
The Bucha killings sparked worldwide outrage - and a mutual exchange of accusations from the conflicting sides. We bring you the timeline of events and who entered the town once the Russian troops left, revealing the nature of the forces and their commander.
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3 years ago
All these supposedly "white supremist" Nazi's are gunning down white people left and right!
See how right I was about these people? See how unworthy these Christcuck Nazi's are of your trust?
They will kill you in the name of Jesus,or the NWO or just because you love anime titties they have a gigantic list of reasons to kill you white man......and a post-it note of all the reasons to allow you to live!
Never trust those fuckers they will betray you just like they are betraying all of those white Ukrainians right fucking now!