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Who Is More Messy Men Or Whamen? - MGTOW
Sponsor Link: Stoic Indifference: Manual of Basic Mental Discipline <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations. In a video I did a while back called "Ladies In Spain Have Gone Insane?" I spoke about a new App the Spanish government was developing that people would use to log their cleaning. The government would then make sure that men were doing their fair share of the housework because women there were complaining that men were lazy. I brought up how I find that women make a much bigger mess than most men I know and then complain about having to clean it up by themselves. When I first lived on my own without a girlfriend or my mother around I finally realised that that keeping a place neat and tidy wasn't all that hard. I figured out that women enjoy making a mess for some reason. I've run into two architypes of whamen in my life. The super clean and the super messy. Tried turning two extremely messy whamen into clean and organized ones. They tend to either be neat freaks and traditional and are always on men's case for being messy. Or their living space is a total disaster and they are constantly being judged by the men in their life. A Messy Molly might compromise in a relationship but the moment they get out on their own they go back to default mode. I think what they do is temporarily mirror a man's behavior. I cleaned up the living space of one woman that I was dating and thought I'd get a thank you and yet she said she didn't like it clean because now it looked boring. She was insinuating that it was better if her place looked like a bomb had gone off. Now that can be advantageous under the right circumstances. About a year ago I started building two massive lego cities and I learned something new about productivity when it comes to creativity. I had about ten different miniature buildings surrounding my workspace area in various stages of construction. When I finally created a dedicated area in another room with massive tables my productivity fell off. I need to be surrounded by inspiration beauty and projects looking me in the face almost asking to be completed. A lot of artist's studios are a mess and even Einstein's office the day after he died they found it in a state of organized chaos. Filled with half finished projects or multiple projects in various states of completion. Jordan Peterson talking about cleaning your room is not a good thing if you're a creative person. Funny enough Peterson's whole house is cluttered in soviet and native art pieces. So it's a little bit of do as I say and not as I do. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>photo credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.
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2 years ago
I guess Walking vaginuts with Overly.Cuntpulsive.DisWhoreder
2 years ago
is your whole video library mirrored on alt tech sites? if so, create the playlists on alt tech, then direct people over. mentioning alt tech might throttle you, but showing their logos on the screen might not, Red Pill Germany does it that way.
2 years ago
People live too long these days
2 years ago
Without sounding to personal I wash my MAN parts every time after Peeing, at Home at least, in public Toilet's is difficult. I'm very hot on my personal cleansing! I've never has an STD/SDI and I'm now still clean at a youthful 67 years old
2 years ago
I'm very creative have been since I was quite a small boy. I have about 4 projects on the go so as to avoid boredom and I can switch from one top another as I need to. To me that is a natural position for a creative Guy. I know where to find anything as I need it but my ploace may look a little ramshackle, BUT it is clean. I only have ME to seal with so tidiness isn't really needed just the knowledge to be able to find stuff.