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Who Would You Rather Have Rule Over You? Jews Or Chinese?

438 Views • 06/12/22
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3 years ago

The choice is Jews and mass sepsis of the body-politic. OR, China and overt oppression.

I don't see (((GLOBOHOMO))) in China. I don't see feckless Christianity undermining the Han Chinese. Yes, there are Jews in the highest and secret parts of the CCP. But, the huge size of China makes even their power limited.

Best to kill all dirty dirty Jews and export the better ones (including crypto-Jews, mixed Jews, and even Shabbos Goyim) to a disarmed Israel that is globally quarantined. Sorry Palestinians, you'll have to lose your land to save the world. Israel has room to hold all the dirty dirty Jews of the world and nobody else. Gaza, West Bank, and Golan Heights will have to be annexed to make that room. But, Palestinians, Arabs, and Syrians in the Israeli State WILL BE HANDSOMELY COMPENSATED by distributing the seized wealth of the Jews to them.

3 years ago

World war 3 would be mainly about culling the excess population. Wars used to be normally about getting more territory or resources, but also getting rid of the excess low status male population so they could get a new chance in life and if lucky get to enjoy from the spoils of war, including taking your enemies' wives and daughters. Poverty is due mostly to too many people studying stupid shit or not studying anything practical, having children they cannot afford, poor values, and bad lazy parents. You should be disgusted by how you went through high school and got nothing of value except "culture", for the "social" experience, or soft subjects, when one could have acquired hard or technical skills in that window opportunity to become better prepared in life, get a head start.

3 years ago

Jews because at least they got the Sabbath or the weekend, the gentiles would be really happy to abolish it, the Torah and oral law is the only thing left advocating for patriarchy. The hyper "sexual false consciousness" of the neo-feudal, neo-puritanical Anglosphere matrix world order is the lesser of the evils. Jews are hated because generally speaking they pursue excellence and make the other students (nations, peoples) in the classroom look bad, show how inferior they are comparison, set the bar higher so to speak and just got more of a spark. They really emphasize education and helping fellow jews out unlike every other nation or peoples. They are high iq but unlike the Asians they seek to inspire other Jews to reach their potential and have healthier levels of introversion/extraversion and are more personable.


3 years ago

Epic projection of delusional fantasies about Jews. Jews are evil personified and there's no shortage of damning evidence against them. Wherever Jews go, they destroy their host. How? They take advantage of the Christ-tards and their misguided sense of charity and tolerance. Wherever Jews go, sepsis of the body-politic results. Jews are hated for very real reasons and justifiably so.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
3 years ago


3 years ago

Let me say it one more time!... Yoyoyo Homie Yo!

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