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Why are Most People Cowards? | Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism
• 03/18/22
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers
Why are Most People Cowards? | Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism
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3 years ago
WoW - It seems to me this video has grown from a conversation we has about a week ago - In it we talked briefly about these very things - As I said then ( what does it take to light a fire under these young men ) Looks like you had the courage to step up and do something . - You May indeed be the one that starts a movement of Courage that is lacking in todays culture - This may be the Match that starts a bonfire of courage ! A movement that will lead everyone back to living a life worth living - My hat is off to you ! Great video You have brought to light things Others are afraid to say Out Loud . ... Bagoodman.
3 years ago
Partly it's our adaptability. Our adaptability has ensured our success against nature. However that adaptability is also the key to our enslavement. Humanity will adapt to tolerate the intolerable. Admittedly not all people will but most will.
3 years ago
A spiritual void is the effect. The cause (imo) is the god of this world has blinded our eyes. To me that explains belief in FNM, corrupt politicians and non stop wearing of face diapers, though they have no effect on one's health. Watching someone at the gym working out while wearing a face diaper, is one of the most puzzling scenes to behold. SMH.
3 years ago
Excellent video, thanks for posting brother!