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Redpill asylum vol 1 - TheRedKnight

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Why Are So Many Black Men Marrying White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast #4)

53 Views • 07/09/22
176 Subscribers

Welcome back to another podcast of the Brother Pill. Today we are discussing, &quot;Why are so many Black Men Marrying White Women?&quot; In the United States, there are many Black men Today are guests to the Brother Pill are: <br> <br>Guest host: Steve The Dean Williams <br> <br> <br>Author Alan Roger Currie: <br> <br> <br>Dynast Amir: (SearchForUhuru) <br> <br>

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2 years ago

This is hard proof that women have no agency. They are what the JEWS tell them to be. The Jew-controlled popular culture demonizes and marginalizes White men so, White women start looking for men that the pop culture celebrates. In this case, black men.

Women, in general, can't love what they don't FEAR and White women do not fear their own men. That said, it is time for lynching to come back. White men need to become the most vicious and violent terrorists ever seen and give our women something to both love and FEAR. Kick Jesus in the teeth and throw out that suffering savior shit. With his Sermon On The Mount that makes sheep out of men. With Romans 13 that makes White men bow before tyrannical governments that actively undermine their White populations.

When White Men finally go to war against the (((Jew World Order))), they had better be ready to fight cops who will try to shut it down to protect their Jewish masters and Shabbos Goy enablers. So sick and goddamn tired of Whites just laying down and taking this Jew shit. That failed Canadian Trucker Protest should be the LAST peaceful protest. It did NOTHING. Any faggot that says, "Violence doesn't solve anything," needs to have their fucking teeth kicked in. Violence gets shit done. Ask BLM and their Jewish managers. When spiritually weakened Whites come out to defend their property from marauding bands of niggers, who gets arrested? Whitey. That shit has to be stopped with overwhelming force against both the cops, niggers, and the JEWS who control both.

2 years ago

I love your zeal ;D


2 years ago

@TheRedKnight: Thanks! Just in case anybody thinks I'm too extreme, just try reading Trotsky's rant where he is frothing at the mouth over mass murdering Whites in Russia. It can be read in, `Memoirs of Aron Simanovich.' Read stuff like that and you'll be full blown hater of Jews. God Bless Hitler for his leadership and Joseph Goebbels for his excellent media content that educated millions of Europeans to the crimes of the Jews.


2 years ago

@TheRedKnight: Don't forget to click on the entityart link and read the right side panel. Howard Wallace Rosenthal is a 1st class JEW and he spells it out in plain English how things are.


2 years ago

You are correct on all point, Infinite. This is why it's a bad idea to go attacking the Jewish-run west. The Badge niggers are well aware of who pays their paycheques. I think the best thing we could do is undermine the currency, not going after the culprits directly. Germany did the latter option, in the context of a still functional western economic system, and germany got steam-rolled. Best thing to do to get out from under ZOG is to undermine the currency. Also, you are correct re Cuckianity and Cheest. It's a Zionist/ Jewish weapon against us.


2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Did you see the recent video in the Netherlands, where badge niggers pointed guns at farmers in tractors? Just goes to show that Might Makes Right and that Power is really from the point of a gun allied with media propaganda.


2 years ago

@Mgtow_economics: No, I didn't see the Netherlands clip yet but, that seems par for the course. Those farmers should know better than to follow the Canadian truckers' weak example. If a protest against tyranny is to be done, all participants had better come ready to fight it out with the agents of that tyranny aka the cops. A tractor is a poor weapon, BTW, as it is not fast nor can be it equipped with some kind of protection from cop bullets. The farmers should get some black market mortars and high powered rifles as stand off weapons. We can only hope that enough sympathizers exist within the ranks of the Dutch Army and will aid such protests with weapons and advice on how to fight. Already, we're talking WAR and that's what things have come to. First order of business is a mass confession that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were right. Then do what must be done.

2 years ago

@Mgtow_economics: it took the whole world to take down Germany, and all because some corporal declared war on the USA, didn't pursue nukes although Germans were the first to split the atom (because Jewish physics) etc etc.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: War was declared on Germany first. Hitler was forced to take preemptive action to stop Stalin's amassed forces that were being staged to invade Germany. Germany had a fission weapon before we did. Problem was that they couldn't enrich it enough to make it small enough to put on a long distance bomber to bomb New York City. The alternative was to put it on a false-flag merchant ship with false papers and manifests. Sail it into New York harbor and blow it up. The war ended before that could be carried out.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: OK first I am a Dr in physics ( and I don't argue with layman, I am not an asshole, will explain things when asked, but I don't argue that never happens, second Hitler never had anything close to a working bomb, the reason for this was because the science of nuclear physics was invented/discovered by Jews. Phillip Lenard (nobel prize winner and member of the nazi party) convinced Hitler this science was tainted because of the Jews and was therfor . He was the one to coin up the term (Jewish Physics). THAT IS THE REASON WHY THE GERMANS DID NOT CREATE NUKES. The rest wat you say is complete bullshit, Germany FORMALLY declared war on the USA in 1941, ... even in 2021 we have RETARDS of RED ICE TV claiming Einstein was wrong...SERIOUSLY BRO LIKE WHAT THE FUCK WHIPED OUT HIROSHIMA,MAGIC? National socialism ideal of a super race, advanced technology I can get behind, but these retard nazis need to go!!!!!!


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: O.K. This is one of those stories I remember seeing DECADES ago on TV and time must have mixed up the fragments into an unlikely story. I now see that the Germans had the idea of a dirty bomb i.e. irradiated sand that they wanted to drop on New York City. But, they didn't have a long range bomber. Let alone one that could carry enough irradiated sand to make a difference. The followig URL got me straighted out:


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: As for the case of who declared war on who first, quite often declarations come AFTER some unacceptable violation has occurred. Hitler was TRYING to avoid war. Jew-edited history books are averse to pointing that out. Your PhD education should have equipped you to be more suspect over official accounts of anything, especially in regards to Jews and their interests! If Hitler declared war on America in 1941, he had ample reason to do so due to our support for an enemy that declared war on Germany first.,fl_lo


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: You might find this interesting. . A balanced take on the theory that Stalin was preparing for an early invasion of Germany. Even if the evidence wasn't solid, if YOU were Hitler and had no reason to trust Stalin, would YOU wait for Stalin to make the first move AND with such a large force on the border?? I think Hitler did what had to be done with Operation Barbarossa.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: everbody knows Stalin parked 6 million men on the polish border... that does not mean Germany made nukes, stop mixing stuff....i like you bro but this Hitler did no wrong is bullshit ..National Socialism deserves better.

2 years ago

Hitler is AN IDIOT. The GOD of the universe let him loose... yes the USA helped UK and Russia with goods...SO FUCKING WHAT?

2 years ago


2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: your place in the movement is beeing a good footsoldier anything else is not at your level.

2 years ago

@Lucifer333: the idea of the master race shall rise again.... and ...believe me we will win this time.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I believe I stood corrected on the fission bomb thing. I know that irradiated sand is not a fission weapon but, a dirty bomb. Germany's drive for an atomic weapon was not for Russia but for the U.S. which supplied his enemies.


2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I think I know my place in the movement and that is to be an evangelist for Whites. A fire n' brimstone preacher of White revival. I'm the guy who shakes them awake, helps them see the world as it really is, and gives them the rhetorical tools to fight back with. I give Whites weapons stolen directly from JEWS. Most of my stuff contains quotes directly from Jews themselves and I put my spin on it to help drive home the sermon. I rescue our great White heroes of the past and that includes Adolf Hitler. I don't think your doctorate in Physics has informed you of human nature and the psychology of politics. Hitler is THE symbol of Whiteness and he must be saved before we can move on to more relevant White heroes i.e. George Lincoln Rockwell, Dr. William Pierce, Henry Ford, etc. . Men like you (Lucifer333) will do the serious work that you're called to do. I am getting soldiers fired up and ready for you and your peers to lead into battle.


2 years ago

I can't speak for all white men, but I can give you my take. In my opinion, white men believe that white women are stealing from them and from society, by their presence in the workforce and their presence in the Legislation. Through white women's actions, they have driven up the hourly wages for totally bullshit jobs ('bums on seats' roles - communism). This is DESKILLING to our nations.

Therefore, there is a definite schism between white men and white women right now. I consider them to be economic competitors, not women. Not only that, they are economic competitors that are behaving in an unfair manner in the workforce and the labour force. In addition, they are AWARE of their Collective THEFT, and this is why they rely so heavily on the Badge Niggers coming down on white men.

White women are stealing from me and my future. White women, in bullshit jobs, are able to buy up the land of the nation with this legislative fiat. Therefore, white women are approximating into my ENEMY. All of these issues will become more clear to everyone as time passes.

Black brothers; you can have them. They may even let you in on their little societal scam that they're running on white men. White women are the REAL NIGGERS of this earth. They always have been, and they always will be.

Unfortunately, to stop white women also means to stop Jews and ZIonism. Which means WW3.

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