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Why Do Women Hate Me? - MGTOW

361 Views • 12/24/21
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Hi EVeryone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Josh and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey sandman love the content. I'm autistic, have adhd and ocd and would like you to talk about autism and how girls hate you when you have this condition. Hypergamy is a bitch. I'm even 6 ft 4!" Well Josh thanks for the donation and topic. On some level women they hate themselves for falling for you because of your height and probably good looks and it took a while to uncover your autism. Perhaps they feel like you wasted their time because your man wrapper didn't represent what was on the inside. It doesn't matter if a guy looks like Tom Cruise women still don't want to date him if he's rain man on the inside. They probably also think tO themselves if other people know about his Autism they say oh shit now everyone knows I've been talking to rain man. That's a 1980s reference for all of you younger than 35 or 40. Instead they want a normal man they can drag to family social gatherings that won't rock the boat and will behave himself. You should have seen back in the day when I made an inappropriate sexist remark at a party and other men started mimicking my behavior. The women all had horrified looks on their faces like the men just crapped in their cornflakes. Imagine a woman taking an awkward guy that's jittery and autistic to a party with her friends and he embarrasses her over and over again making her feel self conscious. A man on the autistic spectrum doesn't read social cues easily and has to learn them from scratch. In one way that means he's harder to manipulate by a woman because she doesn't know what he's thinking by looking at his non-existant body language. But on the other hand he's easier to manipulate because he's more likely to be too honest and trusting. Josh the ADHD is a bs things. Attention deficit means you're bored and you need to find something more challenging to do with your time. It's probably a way for the medical establishment to make boredom an illness and medicate you for it. You just need to run around in circles like a dog until you fall over if you have too much energy. Obsessive compulsive disorder means that if you find something you're passionate with you'll be able to outproduce almost everyone else doing the same thing and rise to the top. But a lot of guys use their OCD to obsess over stupid stuff. People are trained to see ADHD, OCD and Autism spectrum disorders as weaknesses. Yes they are socially. But when it comes to obsessing over something until you come up with a new idea it's a great thing. Remember that Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Martin Scorcese and even Donald Trump have or had OCD. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 B Cliche:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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10 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

Cause you the cock that jumped the fence and left that gate open...

3 years ago

lol, the penis that got away and started a revolution of penises walking away. such a penisy move lol.


3 years ago

This is the video with which I discovered the Sandman channel on YouTube, eight years ago. I put his advice into practice (which works very well here in Mangintina ... sorry! ... I meant Argentina) since crises are chronic and not exceptional:

And since then I recommend this video to all those Men who wish to prosper and improve even during the biggest crises.

If they do it well, they will win.

Greetings to all Free Men and especially to you, Sandman, for being there when you are most needed.

3 years ago

Good luck with finding a "normal" woman in this world era. Many even struggle to pretend, due to the lack of pair bonding attributes.

3 years ago

She exists. Just open nearly any clasdic literature book... Or scroll too I guess. Kind of like dinosaurs, only the faintest evidence for them exists now...

3 years ago

Being Dyslexic is fun, you come up with ideas and ways of doing things that the average brute can't even imagine, even if you run them over with it.

I absolutely adore the dumbfounded expressions people emit when I out smart them by default with ideas they've never thought of or could never have ever thought of without input, people just fall in line because there's nothing else they can do.
I've found that actual narcissists end up hating me because they think they're great even though they have no foundation or basis to support that idea of themselves.

I have found though that this can make me arrogant, so while people just fall in line because they're too handicapped by normality, they don't realise that I'm there struggling to not treat them as less than me.

I've also found that Women who think they're great, very often don't have any foundation to stand on and they make themselves look stupid most of the time. (Average simps don't pick up on this because their minds are too wrapped up in the vines of being a simpleton.)

Then when you reveal that about them to the world they will attack you in due course, either by first making themselves look even more stupid as a defence mechanism then attacking you behind your back, or by immediately slugging insults your way, this makes them look even more stupid because I can just call them a drug addict and be right and done with it.

Although there is something satisfying about hurting their feelings in a manner aligned with the universe, as natural as that may be.


3 years ago

I'm not dyslexic but, I can relate to your interactions with NPC's. I'd say that NPC's gravitate to groupthink standards and an independent thinker, like yourself, breaks up the harmony of the herd. I've been in groups of NPC's and, when the group is searching for an explanation to a problem and the Status Quo isn't getting it done, I'll bring up something that I KNOW will answer the question. BUT, it's way outside the Overton Window. The herd just goes silent because they cannot process anything that is not KOSHER. If what I say is not commonly seen on TV or mainstream entertainment, then the whole gabfest goes flat. That's when I realized that there is nothing to gain by bringing light into the darkness if the NPC's are happy in the dark.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: They seem to enjoy the company of fellow mental prisoners. Misery loves company.


3 years ago

It has always been and will continue to be COCK ENVY.

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