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Why Don’t They Eat Billions of Animals in Australia?
• 06/18/23
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2 years ago
LMAO, auzzieland has plagues...
2 years ago
Jeez, foreigners just treated Australia as a massive hunting/breeding ground, not caring about the ramifications of bringing in outside animals where they don't belong.
That being said I'll admit that what IS unique to Australia scares the shit out of me, namely massive snakes and spiders. So uh, visiting Australia isn't in the cards lol.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
I've always wanted to visit Australia, ever since I saw Crocodile Dundee in '86! lol
2 years ago
I'm highly naive when it comes to most of the world, but I guess there aren't enough predators (snakes, dingos, cats, birds of prey, etc) to go around? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).
2 years ago
2 years ago