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Why I Associate With The OathKeepers
• 06/18/22
Shadow Monk
219 Subscribers
so the state of Michigan wants to mandate that I get a shot all because bitch mom Karen at home petition to me 50 days Psych ward for political disagreements. <br> <br>"Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"!
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3 years ago
The one who do it is the government, women can not take your children, your money, your car or your
home without the government power, (the gestapo(police), the bank and the court). with out the
government, women can not take from men anything.!!!
3 years ago
The government won't protect you, you can make your own army of warriors to protect the border. the government
doesn't do anything. they extort your money and pay for the army. if no one extort you then you can arm yourself,
and a number of people can hire private army of mercenaries to protect the border and it will be cheaper and better
then the middlemen (government), who make it a lot more expensive ,complicated and inefficient.
3 years ago
Why do you want a small government ? why do you want government at all ?
for what do you need any government at all ?
3 years ago
The right to vote is meaningless it doesn't affect the government ,voting is an illusion to make the people think
they have effect on the government deeds without violent ,the people are always ruled by the government
3 years ago
NO gestapo great !!! i can protect myself and my property without fear from the gestapo(police) to come
and kill me or put me in a cage for "murdering" a "sweet and angelic" robber !!!