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Why Inceldom Is On The Rise (Don't Be Forever Alone)

50 Views • 04/04/22
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5 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Hmmm, it's almost like appearing like an incel scares whores away. Incel is whore repellant! and it's cheaper than bug spray!

2 years ago

Bro you're an incel.

2 years ago

Do you know what will make you want to be alone more than anything?
Actually dating these modern women
Go ahead it's not hard these women aint shit,easier than ever before
But just be warned,they will make you regret it they will make you realize the sex isn't worth it

2 years ago

Now that, I can agree on. "entitlement" is a word that never had joined out diction. Ever.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

No. This is a good thing and it's not involuntary. Believe it or not many men are just tired of women who are not maidens. The largest amount being S Korean and JP men who just happen to be the highest IQ in the world. Which means they are smart enough to avoid women who carry real disease and not the common f'ing flu/cold. A great reason to avoid women - They are brainwashed so easily by the TV. Evolution has led to dolls, Honey Select, waifus of epic proportions.
Meanwhile when you abstain from sex there's no risk of pregnancy. Why bring children into this serf/Gov master/abusive police/military world? You're an ass if you bring a child into this. They are better off never being conceived. Future tax slaves have no future. Women are for procreation and sex. Other than that they are useless. They fail at both. If the mother of your children going to homeschool? Do you have time to homeschool when you have to go be a tax slave at a soulless job? Then why have children at all? Why offer Pharma more farm animals to shoot up with forced drugs at their birth? And best yet. You need to be a multi-millionaire to afford the cost of a child, especially the medical part of it. You should be saving for yourself as the world is being destroyed by Govs. Once the nukes fall a child is nothing but a liability and a weakness. Would you want to be born today or just not exist at all? I choose non-existence.

2 years ago

If my ancestors had felt that way I wouldn't exist. Some generations live and breed through hard times best to just accept that. You're kids might just grow up miserable,but if it makes them strong your grandkids will be happy. That's how that works,also your grandkids would'nt even know about the world you lived in. I'm pro patriarchy BECAUSE I'm pro natilist I want people to have lots of babies in the future. Not every generations gets to live in the lap of luxury,that doesn't mean they don't deserve to exist. That said I don't think people should be forced to have children,with patriarchy the few who don't have children won't affect the population increase anyways. Just putting in my 2 cents as a man who's alpha fucked my way past beta bux men into literally procreating

2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I do not know. Your "grandchild" will be too weak. This guy IceAgeFarmer, from, found someone interesting, who understands the Cathedral or cabal/s plan to 2050. Link provided in bitchte: IceAge Farmer Christian hosting Dr. Frédéric Leroy, a professor in the field of food science & biotechnology at Vrije Universiteit, to detail what can only be described as an attempted hostile takeover of all human food production.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Yeah and I'm forced against my will to feed your brats. That's not alpha anything. That's just selfishness like the Bidens and Clintons. Even if things are good you are still giving up freedom to have children. No free time. Seriously they have no future anyways. Where will they work? Will they be able to afford food? Housing? It's already failing due to too many people, not enough productive people to work. Taxpayers are paying for your kids. Not just the beta.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Also again what about Pharma being able to assault children with vaccines with no regard to parental choice? Then we grow up we all acquire some type of permanent illness. Or get cancer at about retirement age. Not the elites though. They are the only true free human beings. Stop giving them future slaves. Your children will be Hunter's slaves, and slaves of his legacy. Or Donald Trump Jr. possibly. Either way the 99% children lose. The dream of my ancestors being intelligent and not procreating. Leading to me never being born and having this shit life. Oh the dream.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Sounds like it has already began. There's a rock quarry near my area and I plan on jumping in once I get too hungry. I'm not going to the USA Gov FEMA labor slave camps to make Nike shoes.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Nike shoes for the Bidens and Trumps by the way.

2 years ago

@Toki: The video was reposted in MGTOW:

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: These Western women do need a diet though.

2 years ago

@Toki: You've lost hope. That sucks but why do you think there's no reason no good purpose for you to survive through hard times? Why do you think there is no benefit to your children growing up in a more harsh world? sometimes the cost of strength is security and the cost of freedom is happiness. There's always a price,but we must find the will to pay it. Is the price truly to high for you to sacrifice through the hardship? If you truly do take your own life when things get hard,no one will blame you I'm just informing you there will be a bright future ahead humanity won't die,I won't allow it.

2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I already know about that guy. And I don't know about your family but mine has always been strong for millenia. I don't have to question my genes my family knows exactly where and who we come from. My grandchildren will be stronger than I am hopefully stronger than any of us,I could die proud in battle without regret. my heart feeling free

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Because shitty people will brainwash the masses while the few intelligent hard-working folks are forced into the slavery that only they can see. As long as all these losers keep having kids on a small planet with limited resources there is no future. People are just greedy. Fact: Idiots who comply with housing or vehicle loans because they are stupid enough to submit to the idea. And they believe they deserve what they want right now. Well, look where this debt life has led us all. I go to work, get taxed. my coworker gets stimulus checks, I don't. Bachelor tax. His pharmacist wife (con artist) still has a student loan and they go on vacation ten times a year. I'm paying that loan. I'm paying for the house, their vehicles, their kids, and their student loans. The world is a shitshow. They get free medical services on my taxpayer dime as well. However this will shorten their lives as well because medical in my country is just a militarized arm of the Gov to reduce population. Every in life is about humans exploiting each other for wealth. What a wonderful world for children. Let's lie to our children about Santa and be a good example teaching them how to lie to everyone for personal gain.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

Also ya know. You can have kids. But it's only beneficial at all if you're female. Otherwise you will be conned into Gov slavery child support. Are you woman? Did you live in Iran or something? I'm in the cucked West so having children is the most idiotic thing I could do as a loser slave class male. But hey even that cuck Trump is paying child support/alimony so it really doesn't matter how powerful and entitled to wealth a man is in my country. Go watch Half Life 2 to see our immediate future of robotic police, resource wars, reproduction inhibitors, and massive surveillance state which is already being installed all over. "Children's rights in the era of hyper surveillance." What a wonderful future huh? The reproductive inhibitors are already being implemented in diet and Pharma scam drugs being labeled as medicine/vaxx. Boston Dynamics is creating the surveillance dog and human like robots to genocide the 99%. Automation has been genociding the 99% in the Middle East for decades. Cowardly USA soldiers hiding in base flying a drone to bomb poor people who have no technology to fight back. And that's why the rest of the world hates the West.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I already have social credit cameras in my workplace installed this year. Every day I go to work I am accused of theft while the taxman steals 50% of my income in bachelor taxes. Yeah I really want to bring a child into this world lol. We have barb wire fences as too many 20 year old male managers who just play on their phones while real men and 60 year old women do the real work. This is America by the way. It's like a zoo or a prison now. Coming soon - No pay and Gov nationalization of production. You really want to bring a child into a world where they will be spied on at all times? Denied medical care because they drank a soda? Not like there's any legitimate healthcare out there anyways. Because it's about money, not health.

2 years ago

@Toki: I do live in America. I'm poor,when I knock up a woman she just finds a man who's wealthier than me and gets him to fill her up with cum and BINGO she has a 2nd postitive pregnancy test......He thinks he's sired a child and I'm just told to stay the fuck away! Ya know like a third of American men are raising at least one child that isn't theirs? Yeah those are all from guys like me who are tall attractive with big dicks,but also poor. Women will fuck a poor man,even get knocked up but she doesn't wanna stay with him unless there's no other option. In this hypergamous world every woman I've knocked up always had a man with more money around the corner. I'm the one who cucked other men,I didn't get cucked. But if I would've had a lot of money they totally would've come after it with the full force of the law. I wonder if any of those women divorced any of those men and they now pay child support for my kids? Oh well WTF am I supposed to do walk up and DEMAND I be charged child support? fuck that I got the absolute best outcome for any poor man who wants to sire children in the west. I don't feel that bad for how things went down,sure being an actual father would be nice but that is now reserved for only the most rich,or the most D-bag men in America. I got lucky more than once and I jumped on those opportunities. The west is cucked.....that means there must be cuckoo birds to put babies in those rich beta bux mens girlfriends. But hey,if I hadn't done it Tyrone probably would have so I did my part

2 years ago

@Toki: Those social credit score camera's freak me the fuck out. Seriously I don't know why people aren't talking about them. They are literally planning to surveil us 24/7 and punish us for any and every infraction against the NWO. There's reasons I feel more comfortable going to war and fighting for my life than I do chasing some one world corporation paycheck. Wage slavery? No thanks I bought guns for a reason this society is fucked it's collapsing. But I dont' need this society to provide a future for myself and any additional future children I sire. I'll do it myself fuck their system I never liked it anyways I'll just GTFO and start pillaging what I want/need

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Well you do you. But realize all other men have to pay for that child. Not just the 5 betas she's fucking. I just see a future of children being mowed down by the upcoming robotic police force. To fight climate change and all that. But if prego is your thing modern PC gaming waifus offer this. It's better than simping for women or letting them use you for just a dick. And all these vaxxed Wokemerica women are going to have HIV now. What I don't understand is how you can get erect for Wokemerican women at all. They all fat and personality is a huge turn-off.

2 years ago

@Toki: I never had a problem sleeping with attractive women. Although the last couple years I've just been living out here far away from them. I'm actually sick of all the women's bullshit,I tolerated it for a long time but I'm done. I am getting ready to make war. I am just going to take women,and like it or not they will be my harem my war brides and I will fuck them whenever I want to. As men we naturally biologically want to ensure we keep women around and continue fucking them keep them for ourselves for us only. I'm sick and tired of being forced to ignore my own biological male nature. I am going to bring about patriarchy and ensure men get to keep their women. And yes I fully support prostitution as well I made videos about it

2 years ago

@Toki: And I don't care what American taxpayer dollars pay for. Mostly it's all just a big giant NWO welfare communism scam anyways. Nobody likes paying for drones that are used exclusively to target civilians,taxpayers don't like paying for prisons or the corrupt cops who put people in those revolving door prisons. There's a lot of things people don't like paying taxes for. At least I made sure SOME tiny bit of those taxes are going towards some white children

2 years ago

@Toki: Also I don't know if you realize this,if I hadn't done what I did I would never have sired even 1 child. I would have never had the chance to leave a genetic legacy if I had been a tradcuck prude about it,but instead I put some sperm in some pussies and made some white children. No it's not ideal it's not perfect but at least I procreated unlike most of the white race

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Every white mother is on welfare anyways. Just like all the other mothers.

2 years ago

@Toki: I said I sired those children. I didn't defeat the US army and put an end to the welfare state. There's only so much I can do,I can get ready I can get people together and I can form a new nation in a place that's much easier to conquer. I can't defeat the american military and I'm not some hotshot politician in charge of which stupid laws they pass or abolish. Yeah the state of the union has been fucked since before I was ever even born but there's nothing I can do about that. Let them burn in nuclear fire I'll be just fine and my plans will be easier. Everyone wants to bitch about people who don't have children,well I sired a bunch of children and now people bitch because I'm not living like Mr.Cleaver from leave it to beaver! If I was a virgin they'd bitch,If I had gotten married then divorced they'd bitch,and since I knocked up women out of wedlock and peace'd the fuck out they bitch. Bitches gonna bitch,I took a basket of lemons and I made the best lemonade I possibly could have. I can't stop people from complaining,hell I complain about plenty of things myself it's not like I'm some perfect person

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Yeah. Men can't do anything right. I just personally think it's best if men go hikkomori like the Japanese. But still work somewhere and support yourself. Don't live with the parents who bring sons into this world as tax slaves for retirement plans. Does the beta even know it's your child and not his? I can't believe anyone would take that deal.

2 years ago

@Toki: Of course they don't know,you don't knock up some guys girlfriend and then tell him! You let him be blissfully unaware,Although I feel bad for beardy man that woman already had 2 kids and after I knocked her up I'm sure she doesn't want a 4th so he's screwed!

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: How do you know it's not a third man's child though?

2 years ago

@Toki: I've put so many babies in so many different women that it really doesn't matter. more than one woman just said "I wanna have your baby" so if that womans baby isn't really mine so be it I've made others. Although nobody else was willing to fill her with cum. I've also cummed into plenty of women who I just never saw again,did they get pregnant? Obviously I can't count them,but I wouldn't be surprised. Once younger me realized I was never going to get married and have a traditional loving family,I also figured out I needed to make babies the other way. Call me a deadbeat dad or a rolling stone whatever,at least I figured out I wasn't going to sire children the way I wanted to,and sired some children anyways. I know men who have done the things I've done are looked down upon,but I'm not living in the 1500's and I wanted to pass down my DNA. And so I did,lots of other men like me in this country have figured out you've just gotta chad your way past using a condom and fill her up until the tank is full,it's the only way left to breed if you aren't wealthy or a total douchebag bad-boy. Yeah it's the same damn thing the ghetto blacks are doing in detroit,but all the nice guy blacks in detroit aren't making any babies they aren't passing down any DNA leaving NO genetic legacy. If one womans baby isn't really mine,not only am I not paying for it I made sure to spread my sperm-seed wide enough that it doesn't matter

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: Yeah but if you are paying taxes you are still paying for it. So am I. Assuming she didn't use birth control, vaxxed/pharma drugs to infertility, or aborted. These modern women on Pharma drugs are super infertile. And why is so important to leave a genetic legacy on planet Earth where life is shit?

2 years ago

@Toki: I'm not paying any child support,and I could sire a thousand bastard children and it wouldn't change the amount of taxes I pay. The world was not always shit people were not always miserable. Yes the "bad times" are here again,all of our ancestors were strong enough to perservere and continue their legacy continue the line of their people. And there are generations which have been incredibly happy some of them are still alive as old farts today. Truth is,just because my life sucks doesnt' mean I can't build a happy life for my grandchildren or even great grandchildren. Let my children be unhappy,let all my future children be unhappy....but my great grandchildren WILL be happy their lives WILL be filled with joy and love. I won't give up and surrender just because things are bad right now,I know I can carve out a better future for my descendants. Sure I've gotta get ready to wade through an ocean of blood in order to accomplish it,but my ancestors fought wars and lived on and I can too. I won't let my enemies defeat me,no matter which weapons they use be they physical,mental,emotional or economic I will survive and eventually thrive. Let the world burn,let civilization collapse I'll be one of the strong willed men rebuilding from the ashes,I don't need to be a mountain of muscles and I don't need to be rich in order to accomplish my goals. And if I die trying at least I'll die free

2 years ago

Get a dog ,go to brothels .Problem solved .You don't need a Wahman fake love .

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

Not brothels though. Honey Select brothel yes. Give women nothing. They would have to pay me to be around their used stank. Meanwhile waifus do not stink or carry crabs. Waifus are far more feminine and submissive/breedable. You won't get brained from behind and robbed by her main boyfriend while in the act.

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