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Why Is There So Many Attractive Females Still Single? (Breakdown) Hypothesis
• 05/20/22
181 Subscribers
Discord Channel Link: <br> <br>How to Spot: #Analysis #Reaction #React <br>How are things looking out there is your part of the world going forward?
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3 years ago
Because they are poison
3 years ago
Cuz they are just blown out hos with 4 digit body counts in a lot of makeup. Nobody gonna wife that up!
3 years ago
Answer to your title question, just because she (or he) is attractive on the outside doesn't mean they're attractive on the inside. I know a lot of very attractive people that are total assholes. Daaammmnnn, it's painful to listen to the first maroon!
3 years ago
The chick in the black top with her tits hanging out, There is something wrong with her eyes.... without high resolution and close up - although she doesn't have track marks, she looks like a heroin addict.
But once the video starts - she is nice looking, but she also looks like a fucking crazy.
And the way she trembles and shudders when she gesticulates....
There is something VERY wrong with her.
3 years ago