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Why Jews Want To Kill Goyim With The Scamarona Vax

412 Views • 01/17/22
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3 years ago

it's not just the Jews who don't believe in your peasant messiah!
Lot's of us white men don't believe in your king of the Jews!
And as far as the "anti christ" goes well....I might literally be their anti christ I sure as hell wanna do the things they say the anti christ wants to do!
Would I even mind being the anti christ....nope I wouldn't mind at all! After all I do wanna end all Abrahamic religions and kill their god,wipe it off the face of the earth forever!
You should all be thankful I want to free humanity from the tyranny of the fucked up god of the fucked up foreskin chopping Jews! And yes I did mean their GOD which includes christians and muslims and catholics and mormons....all those who worship the Abrahamic god have gotta go!
I'm not alone in this sentiment,more and more of us are waking up and realizing your god is our enemy,the enemy of our cultures and belief systems. Your god seeks to destroy everything we are and force us to be MIDDLE EASTERN JEWISH culture and belief,by the admission of every religion text of the Abrahamic god they want to eliminate all other gods all other cultures all other belief systems.
We don't want to be like you,we don't want to worship your god,and we don't want to let you destroy our cultures and values and belief systems.
And the only way to preserve who and what we to kill your god and violently wipe out all ALL of your religions. Why? because you phycho evil sycophantic lunatics want to take over the world and force us all to bow down before your god,and by extension to bow down before YOU
I say fuck that,let's fuck you up before you fuck us up! And yes,I've already published videos detailing how you Christians are planning to betray all of the pagans and atheists after you USE them to fight your war for you.....and only after you've taken power will you betray them!
Because you GOD worshipers and your Tyrant POS GOD don't like to share,you want all of the power and control.....but I've decided we're not gonna let you do it! I don't trust any of you fools who worship that god no matter what you say,I know it's all just whatever lies you think will accomplish your gods goal of specifically TOTALITARIAN world domination....which is even worse than Authoritarian rule.
Your god is the worst fucking thing that's ever existed on this planet,and the Christians can just get tossed into the same gas chambers and bonfires as their Jewish buddies you can all burn together,I see no difference between any of your religions you all share the same goals and same beliefs.....just with a different label on the book

3 years ago

The problem is that the Christianity was a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT white religion. Jews did a kabbal against christianity, white religion, and rewrote the Bible. JC has nothing to do with jews. It's a too large topic for a comment. But If you want to pray a God of Light, Jesus IS the Son of God, not just "the messiah" as jews and their cousins muslims like to call him. He is God made flesh, as the human soul is the genetic of his father. The whole His-tory has been re-written.

3 years ago

Watch the tartarians, channels and Stolen history in youtube.

3 years ago

@RougeAxis: Oh so Jesus is made of flesh? That's a relief,it's gonna make him a lot easier to kill if and if so when he returns. Truth is I don't even care if it is true about Jesus,if he really is some god of the bible....That makes killing him quickly even more important! I don't want to be ruled by your tyrant god or his tyrant son,and I'm willing to travel as far as I need to in order to kill him once he comes back! A combo of bleeding and a spear killed him before,and a spear can kill your messiah again!

3 years ago

I finally believe you. Why? I already know two people that were under 40yo that died after they got jabbed. Blood clots that went in the brain and killed them, Paul and Dana were their names. Moreover our priest here said that he buried 18 young people this year, 17 women and 1 man... Idk ? the truth about that
Unfortunately I've got jabbed three months ago TM with J&J hopefully I'm gonna be ok.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
3 years ago

But I thought the Israeli Gov Gestapo was forcing this GMO toxin into their own citizens? Where I live nobody gives a damn about the Scamrona. Maybe a few Karens, but that's it. I'm in a low pop rural state though. Thank the gods. And yes the big US cities are being destroyed right now. The biggest enemy of everyone is the Gov who murder and steal from everyone. F the viruses it should Gov that everyone wants to be protected from. Gov is the biggest parasite in human history and the #1 cause of death and suffering.


jews also get jabbed.

watch "the black pigeons" explanation, which is way more based in facts. its you muslims who brought it on the west, because muslims keep voting for the pro-immigration politicians.

the muslim population prevents the white men of europe and US from being able to vote for the right polticians who would end big pharmas terror.


3 years ago

Zionist Jews will sacrifice their own if it moves the ball down the field to the Olam Ha Bah (Jew World Order). A truly evil hell world where Jews rule in perfect malevolence over the hapless remains of the global population.

3 years ago

Zionists use low iq Arabs to fuck the west. Arabs in particular Muslims in general are low brain power people.


3 years ago

@Alpha Male Lifestyle: How do the Persians in Iran rate? They seem to be the only Muslim country with a functioning military-industrial base.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I think Iran is in on it too they were the mask plus most Persians hate islam

3 years ago

We kinda have to look at the people responsible for deposing Gaddafi to understand who started the wave of refugees into Europe. Not to mention dumass woman from Germany captain of a vessel just picking up migrants out of the water.


@InfiniteMushroom: these are NWO players , not jews. there are also many of these in islam world. in the end of the day, its muslims who are invading europe and going to better pastures instead of fixing their own countries, importing along with them the unsolved problems they had back in arab world and also creating a genocide in europe (in islam its okay for a man to marry a non-muslim woman but its not okay for a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim man).


@Alpha Male Lifestyle: untrue. arabs are also invading israel , jews just dont talk about these problems because we are busy solving problems in the REAL WORLD, by salvaging jewish women who were abducted by horny muslims(check out "lahava" organization). zionists are actually very admirable, because unlike muslims, they decided to gtfo of europe back to israel - because we jews were unintededly ruining europes demography by procreating back in 20th century. but now muslims are invading europe, not just procreating. its fair to say, that europe just lacks the racist backbone to defend itself against other races. europes best chance is a white-race patriarchial christianity, because it gives men power to choose who their daughters will marry


3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: I would agree with you in part but, even such a partial agreement doesn't match what everybody sees in the average Jew. I have far too much hard evidence of what Jewish leaders and rabbis have been saying. Are all rabbis NWO? They sure seem to be and not one has spoken out against the anti-White agenda of the NWO. I have no doubt that some average Jews are decent people but, I often wonder if those same "decent Jews" write donations to Jewish terrorist organizations i.e. ADL, JIDF, B'nai B'rith, AIPAC, SPLC, etc.


3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: As for the Arabs and Muslims invading Europe, that is 100% Jewish social engineering and the products of Jews in high office. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan was the Jews' long term goal, it is 100% Jewish, and is being carried out in the open where nobody can deny it. . I also know about the Dönmeh Jews who hide behind Islam in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The Arabs are GOLEMS for Zionist Jews. I agree with you on the need for patriarchal Christianity. Problem with Christianity is that is carries the Jew Mind Virus deep within and ultimately destroys itself with toxic doctrines like the Sermon on The Mount, Romans 13, and other bad doctrines that have erased White racial knowledge.


3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: All of the above said, you're a good man, Hiskiahu. It's a shame that you were born into the world's biggest and oldest crime family. Your videos share a common problem that all men are suffering from and you're doing a service to show how even Israel is in bondage to feminism. But, you'll always have to carry the guilt for what your peers have done to their victims. It's a cross you'll have to bear and hang on. Sort of like that one infamous rabbi that your ancestors demanded to be crucified and reaffirmed that they have no god but Caesar.


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I followed the war crimes against Libya in 2010 and 2011. It was all too clear that this was an imperial training course for the E.U. so (((TPTB))) in Europe could get a taste of the blood that ZOG-U.S. enjoys on a regular basis. Makes me sick how the African Union was so feckless and disorganized that it couldn't rally to the defense of Africa's main benefactor: Muammar Gaddafi. People have no idea how good Libya and most of Afirca had it with Gaddafi in charge. All the African Union did was whine, appeal to the U.N, and generate a lot of worthless paper protesting the naked act of imperialism upon Libya. Had the A.U. found the balls to back all the smack talk that Negroes used to put out against their former colonial owners, it would've been the greatest war of liberation seen in modern times. This was the ONE WAR that could've united Black and Arabic Africa in a common cause. But, they didn't and now they deserve to be re-enslaved. This time, by the Chinese.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: exactly. Gaddafi had faults, but it was way better then the situation now. He was indeed the wall blocking the refugees as we see now. And the chinese are taking over africa like you said. As usual the mainstream media made him look like a supervillian but when I listened to some of his interviews that had subtitles I could see through this lie.


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Yep. I'd say the only serious flaw in Gaddafi was that he was a nation-builder but, didn't take steps to protect what he had built. Tony Blair and George Fucking Bush pulled a great diplomatic coup by convincing Gaddafi that he could "rejoin the family of nations" and WE WOULD HELP. Any "help" from ZOG is pure poison and Gaddafi should've been more aware of the trap. I don't think he had any nukes or even the black market connections to get anything remotely nuclear. But, he fucked up by allowing British and American "advisors" to help "liberalize" Libya's economy. All we did was place demolition charges at the base of Libya's security and economy. When the imperial war against Libya started, all those "advisors" pulled the trigger on the charges and suddenly Gaddafi finds himself unprotected and his entire government sabotaged. There was so much wealth in Libya and ZOG needed to literally steal it to save the banking system. And that's EXACTLY what they did.


@InfiniteMushroom: yes israel is in bondage to feminism because of corporate media and cancerous judicial system, same as in US. just last week an army rabbi who dared to speak his real opinion that women should be kicked out of army , was kicked out himself after 20 years of infiltrating the feminazi army. just for 1 sentence. this is why real rabbis are at odds with the rest of secular jewish community, because they cant even express their opinion and the secular community cant have the opportunity to hear them out. but basically if israel becomes a truly jewish state it would be very good and zionism would be what it was supposed to be, a state for jews. not an extermination feminazi camp for jews as it is today.


3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: You are not like the average malevolent Jew that we've all seen for centuries. A Regular Yosef that many men could relate to, especially because of your stand against feminism and other Jewish political diseases in the West. Your problem is being born into a powerful crime family. You may not like how they get their money and your reputation is ruined by association. But, you're stuck with both because of being born a Jew. I think people here will treat you well as an individual with a unique story and set of circumstances. As long as you're not working as a mole for George Soros, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Sheldon Adelson, or for the ADL, you'll do O.K.

3 years ago

would you look at that Amr FUCKING KIKES are testing a new frankenvirus-jab here!

3 years ago

INVESTOR RELATIONS Eric Goldstein LifeSci Advisors [email protected] that's all you need to know this will be bad for goyim


"kikes" are also getting jabbed here in israel. all ways lead to rome. check out about nwo, fake priests and the illuminati. i myself am trying to convice jews not to fall to nwo corporate media lies and not get jabbed.

3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: your "elites" were always a fan of collateral damage. Maybe have a chat with Keith Knight about that!


3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: Deep down, I'm persuaded that you have a great soul and your Jewish idenity is keeping you hostage. Have you heard of Brother Nathanael Kapner? He is a Jew who overcame his heritage, found Jesus Christ, converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity (the REAL Christianity), and produces a lot of videos warning humanity about the Jews. Even though you're Jewish and in Israel, you might want to consider the path that Brother Nathanael took to achieve enlightenment.


@csehszlovakze: i can say same thing about many islamic priests, christian, etc. there are even muslims preaching feminism today. you are wrong about judaism, and unlike other religions, judaism is fair to the other races because judaism is passed along by mother. unlike muslims who take other races' females because islamic heritage is passed along by fathers seed. @infinitemushroom we real jews strongly oppose these new age christiano-jewish cults because its what brought the holocaust on us. even israeli rabbies teach, that only because few jews in germany were dating goyim women god punished them with holocaust and mass extinction. this is why whenever a jew dates a goy woman all jewish brethren shame him. same about vaxxing, its only the secular jews who listened to such "great" advice like converting religion and stopped following the holy halacha law who became greedy and chasing money, only these bad apples can be found in corrupt positions cooperating with big pharmas tentacles. but they are actually ostracized in the haredi jewish community, we call them "mityavnim", which means jews who converted to greek culture. the site you sent is another NWO website trying to subvert jewish religion, probably funded by vatican and jesuits. they do the same to real christians and real muslims who keep their women chaste and stone to death chad and tyrone

3 years ago

@Hizkiahu Tenenbaum ISRAEL: if you think having a matriarchy is a good thing, seriously, what the fuck are you doing on a MGTOW site?


@csehszlovakze: when did i say a matriarchy?? quite the opposite! a white man would never give his daughter to a jew , arab or black man. he would give force his daughter to marry a white man. (unless he is mentally retarded and ill with cuck-liberalism). so by taking other tribes' women, u actually hurt the patriarchial solidarity of the country you live in. i see tribal communities and nations as two different things, where a nation has to serve the tribes' needs. if it were that way, the governmnet would never have had so much power over the people to be so corrupt to let in millions of violent immigrants anywqhere in the world. in fact, muslims themselves in the arab peninsula DO NOT accept immigrants as the west does, which is the reason they dont have a housing problem like we do and their women are whores of other races. basically what im saying is, patriarchies can cooperate. they do not necessarily have to fight among themselves for the women- and this is what judaism is about.


their women are not* whores to other races like the wests' women -FIX

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