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Why Men STOP Dating Modern Women #9
• 08/09/23
69 Subscribers
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2 years ago
If Margo Robbie came up,a begged for me I would whip out a camera then laugh in her face….and post it.
2 years ago
00:28 she was huge for posting her hate of being hit on in the gym…. Weeks later upset no guys talk to her in the gym. Beautiful when they get what they ask for.
Yeah riiiight. Bare minimum is child care for her 7 kids, flowers, $2500 meal in another country and the private jet flight…. Suuuuuuuuuure. Get bent
2 years ago
These women do not realize that the bare minimum is what a guy gives to the 15 plates he is spinning; otherwise he wastes too much energy. Tiktok must be fun to watch, all those emotional expressions. For the ladies it is just your regular daily venting session, totally normal; for men you've just reached insanity level 5.
Men are not allowed to vent in public, because there's always your friendly jailhouse waiting around the corner. So stop demanding us to show emotions; we do know you will take advantage of it and goad us over the limit when PMS comes around.
2 years ago
2 years ago
To me, the average woman in the street looks like a prostitute nowadays. Are you guys getting the same impressions about the "best" half of humanity?
2 years ago
Loads of these irritating dull plain ass broads demanding everything ... what exactly do YOU bring to the table, besides a blown out zinc encrusted wizards p-sleeve ... ah I thought so. Byyyyyyyyeeee. Gentlemen. Go your own way, they ain't worth it