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Why MGTOW May Fail To Fully Launch With Gen Z

386 Views • 02/28/22
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, even though it sounds like we as an audience have forgotten who has helped lead us to freedom of thought and freedom from thots and reinforced our major decision to go our own way without knowledge of MGTOW & the red pill, blue, crimson, purple, black.. we haven't. Thank you again for your selfless words of wisdom. I hope things are moving forward still besides the lack of monetary appreciation out here on YouTube. Well James thanks for the donation and support. I'll use it to cover a post I ran into recently about MGTOW failing with Gen Z. It's a bit lengthy so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: Anyways, here's what someone name The Sisko says and I quote: "I want to focus here specifically on maladjustment, and how prevalent it has become with Gen Z teenagers and young adults. Most of us here are a little older than them, and therefore had time to experience the world of dating prior to the ramped up hypergamy, oversexualisation of social media that we see today. This is evidenced with how nihilism/black pill philosophy is more popular with Gen Z kids as compared to PUA/Red Pill was with Millennials and older. I myself am a late millennial, but I still managed to have had decent experiences with women without knowing any of the “game” while I was doing it, and not being the most physically attractive dude + below average height. For us, MGTOW comes as a logical conclusion to the bs we’ve been through, particularly the veterans that have been through divorce/child support (which I salute). We experienced it consistently throughout our life, been in different types of relationships, got screwed over, and decided to call it a day. A logical pathway. However, from my discussions from Gen Z men in person, as well as studying how MGTOW is presented today on platforms such as Tiktok/rage bait Youtube videos, I don’t believe as many men are having these formative experiences at a young enough age where they are able to come to the same logical conclusions. As we’ve been repeating ad nauseum, young men are sexless for longer (30% between the ages of 18-29 in the USA right now. People have expressed to me, in their mid-20s, that they’ve never experienced a relationship their entire life, and as a result are craving the intimacy that comes with it (and acting a fool in the process). I also suspect, though I have no proof of this, that the average age of when men lose their virginity is on the rise. I believe experiencing this, losing it and the heartbreak/anger that follows, is foundational if you truly want to be at peace with a mindset such as MGTOW, and change the way a man perceives women. As I mentioned earlier, MGTOW today is portrayed on social media as a lot of young men (rightfully) dunking on women, pushing back against the simp agenda, not wifing up single mothers. That’s all well and good, however this constant anger and “Ha Ha Suck Shit” attitude doesn’t necessarily guide a man towards actually realizing his goals and driving himself in the direction of total freedom.

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9 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

MGTOW can never go away as long as feminism exist. Feminism causes its creation and this will become evident with feminism continuation. MGTOW happens as a result of feminism placing high demands on men. Ultimately, feminism will fail as they breed themselves out of existence. Traditional marriage will resurrect in a population that is much smaller.

Then will happen all over again.

3 years ago

It's interesting how that out of all my mates I'm the most redpilled and the, "ah you should find a girl for yourself" variable statement I get from simps completely falls flat with me, even when I'm intoxicated. I found I also despise people who say "eh just one more drink" I'm like no I've had all I want, now shut up and stop being annoying.

As for women and simps.
I can say, eh none of them were good enough for me, or I can't be bothered with their crap, or they were all too ugly, so on and the simps don't know what to say. Yet, give it time and they repeat the statement like a trained animal.

I was redpilled hard when I was 17-18, and yeah the desire for cooch and boobs is still within me, but I emotionally don't care. Though, every now and then I do find my mind trying to simp, then I realise it rather quickly and just decide no, and will usually just do nothing. Woman's falling off a cliff, well let her, I'm no one's hero.
Woman's fighting someone and wants me on her side, nah I'll stand over here and put some 3d glasses on, might make the fight more interesting.
I'll step in when I think it's gone unnecessarily far, either way. Woman's depressed, well get over it, I brought myself out of 12 year long suicidal depression with the help of myself, because no one else could help me, I appreciate the people who tried to help me though they failed.

I don't hate Women, I'm just emotionally apathetic and find most women rather boring. I can look past their appearance and I usually don't find much.
I'm not a Black Piller, wouldn't call myself a Mgtow either but I am Redpilled.

There is a part of me that wants to step into the purple pill for a time but I'm afraid of 2 things:
Getting legally fucked over,
Being just fine and settling then forgetting the freedom of being single.

I do wonder what my 30 yearold self will think, I already cringe when I think about my simpy time during school so.

3 years ago

The most popular chad from my high school who is in his 40's now and a multi millionaire wasn't good enough. He just got divorced raped after 14 years of marriage.

"A strange game. The only way to win is NOT to play" - War Games

3 years ago

I wanted a family, I wanted a wife and children, I wanted that personal stake in my life and community, but what I got were women, lots of them, and not a single one of them fit to commit to. Therein lies the heart of the matter. Women, especially over the last 20 years, have created a bubble for themselves that is beginning to burst with millennials turning 40. They inflated their own value, which was reinforced by their orbiters, cucks, and simps as well as guys that were the carousel, and now for every one truth a woman may arrive at three lies are ready to keep her bad habits alive. Rebecca Barret gave me a glimpse into the minds of how these women work when she spoke with another 'former feminist' and described it as being an unthinking life, constantly on autopilot, influenced into their lifestyles of work, the carousel, and being the 'boss babe' without considering any other path. Rare is the woman that realizes where that road will lead her BEFORE it's too late, but for many, though a pillar may crumble, other supports will keep the delusion alive and well into their 50s and 60s. We see this now. Tik Tok shows grandmothers thinking they can get back into the game while simps will buy jarred farts because the false gods of feminism have corrupted people on both sides into thinking women could have their cake and eat it to.

The nuclear family is a dead animal, and feminism is wearing its skin like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

3 years ago

THE MOST important thing I cannot stress enough is MENTAL HEALTH. You need to be open to talking with professionals.

ideally MALE Therapists, and psychiatrists that can help you help yourself.

So many of use don’t trust the institutions around us and will suffer from depression and anxiety in silence. I know because I WAS that guy. Whatever mental struggles you have. Please get professional help.

Sign up for medicaid, work to gain health insurance or do whatever you need to in order to get mental health care and therapy. You need it at all costs. Work a shitty job (temporarily) or swallow your pride and ask your parents for funds.

These are warning signs you may have been going through mental health issues. Whether because of trauma as a child, genetics, or daily struggles. Please seek help.

You will be made stronger and more effective. You will finally have power to be the man females want… and then walk away from them.

Another Excellent video. End of the day. Self improvement will always improve your life. Learn a skill or get an education thats in demand. Increase your wealth, work on your fitness, improve your Fashion. Gain hobbies and make friends from those hobbies.

Do it for you. If you unconsciously feel you do it to get attention from females. Fine. Accept it. Use it all as fuel.

But you have constantly be working on self development its the only way men will gain mental peace.

These females really are cold hearted and have thousands of men waiting to get with them online. I do believe it is best to date and see the reality.

Only when you experience it can you truly make a committed decision to walk away from this heartless hostile hedonistic game that has been and always will be about power and control.

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