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Why Most Men Cannot Live Without Women - MGTOW

404 Views • 09/03/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce &amp; The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger and he wants me to put my book in audio format when it's finished. I'll hold off on that as well as a digital copy of the text for six months to a year to ensure everyone that wants a paperback or hard cover gets one. The last thing I want to do is have someone steal the text or audio and use text to speech software and monetize my book on their channel and make money from all my hard work. Scanning a book page by page and transcribing it will discourage most people from doing so. Besides the sections are already coming out in rough format in a special book playlist I created if you look under the playlist section. Hope that helps Roger? As for today's topic I found a post on the going your own way forum discussing why men cannot live without women and here's what someone named FangBlade has to say and I quote: &quot;It doesn't matter how much a man knows about female nature. He will all still long after women. Take for example the incels, they are not selected by women. Instead of accepting that women don't want them and female nature in general and simply enjoy life without women. They fall into despair or take the red piller PUA. Instead of grinding and hustling for their own glory, they do it for a women that will at best she does nothing and at worse she takes nearly everything you worked so hard to get without a ounce of remorse. It seems so crazy to me that men especially now a days keep dealing with women sexually. Do they not want their freedom? Do that not know about robot vagin? I really don't get it. What are your thoughts on men's desire to be on the female ran plantation?&quot; unquote. Right below that somebody named Chris sums up the reasons men can't leave the plantation. He points out the male sex drive, societal pressure, family pressure, peer pressure, low self esteem, need for external validation. And that those are extremely difficult for a lot of men to overcome. Plus he mentions the Disney fantasy love fairy tale as well as obviously television and love songs. He says that the blue pill is life and always will being alone without a hole to call their own. When they're not in a relationships, most guys are trying to get in one or chasing women. Once he broke the cycle, he get a lot of clarity about the true nature of women. He looked back on his life and cataloged how he'd been used and/or mistreated by women and that made the dating scene becomes a lot less appealing. Essentially saying dating is an exercise in busting your butt for an opportunity to get screwed over. I'll discuss my own thoughts about why most men can't live life without women in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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5 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

the title explains my dad 100%, even though i have been trying to red pill him for years and he's currently going through his second divorce and he still thinks that he still wants to re merry, like it's the most nuts position to go to.

it's obvious he's not really in the loop, and it seems no amount of red pill information i send him, he will always go back to the blue pill lie, because it feels good and that feeling is addicting like a drug to the point where he will forget all that he's learned from his relationships just to repeat that feeling again and again.

love is a drug and men fall for that need of the drug, hook line and sinker.

my dad is hopeless in my opinion, because he plays that drug like a tune of music, my dad loves music btw, he was a barbershop guy for most of his life and he enjoys all the simpish music that music has to offer him, and like a broken record, he plays that music like a drug as it's associated with love of a good women.

it's weird, because when i think of his divorce situation, i almost think he deserves to be divorce raped, because this will be the only way he learns from this obvious situation going on in his brain, i would rather a women avoid him because he's too poor than him fall into that trap with another women ever again.

i love my dad, but he's stuck in his ways, he's 71 years old right now, and the idea of him getting married again is sickening to me and sounds as if he has no self respect in this position to blindly re merry another women just to feel that drug once again he probably holds the dying alone trope as well as he comes from that same generation of boomer thinking that holds no realism to the modern day understanding of this stuff.


2 years ago

Females are annoying as fuck, especially right after orgasm.

2 years ago

more men are being left behind.....all in time society will be in disrepair as men walk off the plantation and before you know it it will be tooooo late to turn back.


2 years ago

The masses don't understand that everything we enjoy in the manmade material world exists because men needed to get money and resources to please women. Men were rewarded for that goal with work and pay. Huge collective enterprises were created and huge achievements were made. Now that the male-female bonds that powered the industrial age are dissolved, we are going to see an ever increasing dive into feudalism and a Dark Ages 2.0. The original Dark Ages following the fall of ancient Rome will seem like a minor recession in comparison. The original Dark Ages was moderated by the structure and discipline imposed by the early Roman Catholic Church. Science, mathematics, literature, the arts, philosophy, and other fine arts, were kept alive by the Muslims until the 15th century. Today's Muslims lack that spiritual energy so, nothing will be saved. There will be no way out of Dark Ages 2.0. All because women and JEWS engineered this and the evidence is irrefutable.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I TOTALLY AGREE.......this is why the only way out is to DROP THE MIC AND WALK OFF THE doing so the planet will crash and burn all due to whaman and their narcisstic wants. ....the best thing i ever did was to stop dating and dealing with any whaman. ...since then i have opened a business...paid most of my bills and have amassed a small fortune to retire on which i could probably eek by if i retired today if a keep my spending in check. ....WALK AWAY FROM WHAMAN AND YOU WILL WIND UP VERY HAPPY AS LONG AS YOU FIND THINGS THAT MAKE YOU PERSONALLY HAPPY.


2 years ago

@zdoctor: Have you read H.G Wells' book, "The Time Machine"? I remember reading it in Jr High and it was always a good topic in class to ponder how the West had fallen to where the Time Traveller had found it in ruins. Magnificent machines, magnificent buildings, amazing knowlege wrapped up in the ruins but none could tell him of their builders. The book is a terrible tragedy that showed what Western civilization was able to do by way of collaborative effort. Such effort DEMANDED a social contract and, in hindsight, it was clear that the social contract was long ago lost and forgotten. Once the West had fallen that far, it never recovered. You had the Eloi up above who were mindless Beautiful People. The Morlocks lived underground and kept the ancient machines running. The Morlocks were also cannibals, BTW, and would occasionally come to the surface to grab some tender young person for dinner. All that said, it you know how the JEWS have destroyed nations, empires, kingdoms, cities, and other political entities, then it is a bit easier to understand WHY the West fell as it did in the novel.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: ...never heard of that book.....sounds very interesting though. ..i dont think society will come back after this and i do think this is all part of the plan.....the only way to rebuild is to destroy first just like like they did to japan... so now whaman are destroying society and the courts...SJWs...socially correct idiots that have no ide about how to run a planet will run this into the ground all to have the IDIOT male rebuild it for them this why the rothchilds get even richer. ....they introduce a virus ie feminisim then let society fall. once society falls then ask men to rebuild it all over again. might look into terraformation. ..its a bit out there of a thought pattern but its a logical thought in certain ways.


2 years ago

@zdoctor: It was required reading in Jr High. I often forget how far education has fallen since I was in school, back in the 1960's and 1970's. Even our education was inferior to schools in the 1920's! An 8th grade education in 1920's is superior to a B/A or B/S today. A full 12 years of school in the 1920's creates a man superior to anything coming out of a Master's program today. What we have coming out of colleges are well-trained barbarians.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: .....i think today all we do is teach people to be YES MEN......or to be equal YES WHAMAN AS WELL


2 years ago

"Why Most Men Cannot Live Without Women"

Because most Men are conditioned, weak and afraid.


2 years ago

They are afraid of true freedom. They may think that their relationship must be paid by tolerating her questioning, nagging or, disrespect. The ol' "Happy Wife Happy Life" bullshit runs deep with some males.

2 years ago

100 percent true........taught this right from kindergarten

2 years ago

What do you mean by "women"?
Surely not these vote-counting, working class metrosexuals.
As if marriage wasn't gay enough already...

2 years ago

thanks for the laugh

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