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Why Most Men Should Get A Prostitute

362 Views • 07/03/22
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3 years ago

This is the time of degeneracy..akin ti the Weimar Republic....who will galvenize the people....a new fuhrer?


3 years ago

I don't see a new Fuhrer on the horizon and don't see how one can rise. DIVERSITY is designed to thwart any Great Man from rising; let alone being heard on mainstream media. The Jews have controlled opposition (Fox News) and they are designed as steam pressure relief valves. Fox News and JEWdeo-Xtianity are the two most effective pressure relief valves. As long as The Sheeple believe thatFox News is handling our grievances, then tha tends to calm them down. The other relief valve, J-X aka the church, makes me sick to my stomach. The entire thing is infested with Jews and a cartoon Jesus that has us well trained to just lay down and take it with a stupid Christ-tard smile on our faces. The churches either have old and useless people in them or modern and hip congregations that are very racially mixed. Tyrone and Stacy are sitting together praising Jeebus while White Normies either sit alone or with their boyfriends. It's not a sin if Jesus loves you!


3 years ago

We have to look at where past Great Men have come from. War tends to enable the rise of Great Men and Peace enables the rise of obedient lap dogs who rise in rank due to slavish obedience to (((TPTB))). Adolf Hitler's rise was in the classic mold of rising from the ruins and Fate having chosen him. Nature gave him a unique intelligence to see what was happening AND write a deep and powerful book about it. Even though Hitler rose up despite the Jewish democracy of Weimar, democracy and Muh Free-dumb generally suppresg the creation of Great Men. Even when a few do manage to rise up, their message is bitterly demonized by the Jews who control the media. They carefully feed constant streams of engineered propaganda into the Mass Mind. We've had great men rise and 99% of people have never heard of them. I'm thinking of George Lincoln Rockwell, Dr. William Pierce, Ben Klasse, and Enoch Powell We have quite a few contemporaries who are in prison PRECISELY because the ADL demanded their arrest on false charges. Charges used to cover the real reason: for their effectiveness at fighting the Jew Mind Virus.

3 years ago

The league of German girls (bund deutscher mädel). Gynocentric like today, untouchable, empowered women just like your gym thots today.

3 years ago

No feminism under the nation regime, women where not allowed to work when married.

3 years ago

You cannot make this up, Hitler's woman Eva Braun doing yoga in a skimpy outfit with some camel-toe and taking pictures as a foreshadowing to social media goddess worship. The german nazis being gynocentric in an atavistic fashion, unable to control their women and envision an androcentric society where women have zero percent agency. Dont get me started on the princess Diana goddess cult, that big-nosed average-looking mediocre whore. Just go be cannon fodder for one of the world wars when its time for governments to get rid of their excess male incel populations.


3 years ago

You're completely missing the greater context of the era. Remember, Germany and German women were drowning in JEWISH FILTH and craptastic Jew arts and culture. Just like today! Glorification of women in Nazi Germany had a completely different purpose than what we're seeing in ZOG-U.S. and its vassal states. Hitler, Goebbels, and other social engineers were trying to restore both the natural dignity of the White German woman and restore a proper sense of feminine appeal. So what if Eva Braun was doing yoga. That's a private pic and far different than what we'd be seen in public today. And yes, women have no agency and the evidence is beyond what is needed to prove the point. What Nazi Germany was trying to do was necessary and overly ambitious, given the short window of time. They needed at least 4 generations to completely cleanse White German men and women of Jew Filth AND create a suitable social order where they could flourish.


3 years ago

I'm not a Crown watcher but, I remember the Princess Diana cult. She was pretty because of her hair dresser and wardrobe. Even Prince Charles wasn't terribly impressed with her. Oddly enough, he wanted the much older Camilla Parker Bowles. Why? Her racial and family pedigree was top notch whereas Diana was just a commoner. BTW, what Prince Harry did with that mulatto slut, Meghan Markel, was worse than treason. The Queen should've stripped him of everything and prohibited the Crown from putting up one pound towards that travesty of a multi-cultural wedding.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Hitler was a moron, I would have preferred the assasination succeeded and von Manstedt or Rommel taking the rains....militarily Hitler was beyond retarded micro managing the war

3 years ago

Nsdap celebrated physical fitness they had even a name for it "corpercultuur", has Jack shit to do with gymthots , women were not even allowed to hold a job when married,, only be a home maker and breed more German babies.


3 years ago

@Lucifer333: I disagree to a degree. A moron could not have written Mein Kampf or deliver the kind of speeches that gave the German people hope. Hitler was iconic and that is what galvanizes a people to rise up, overthrow the Jewish parasites empowered by the Versailles Treaty, and reclaim Germany as their own. Competent marshals, like von Manstedt or Rommel are like the queen or rook pieces in chess. They are the big guns on the board but, the king is still the most important piece of all. AS for Hitler micromanaging, I think he had bad memories of the weak leadership of the Kaiser in WW1 and did not want to repeat that.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: i think a wise man should know his weaknesses...the lighting defeat of France was due to von Manstedt ignored direct orders from Hitler and punching through to with his armour encircling duinkerk..Goebels gave credit for this move to Adolf... he should at time know he had extreemly competent generals and head their advice above himself....i am not debating social issues where Adolf made some good points.


3 years ago

@Lucifer333: Yes, even Great Leaders have their fatal faults. I remember as a kid hearing about how Hitler should have let his generals fight the war and not meddled with their plans. Again, in Mein Kampf, Hitler complained about the weakness at the top. He was right but, he erred in the wrong direction. Makes me think of Muammar Gaddafi of Jamahiriya Libya. Gaddafi was a great nation builder and made Libya into the wealthiest country in Africa. The people enjoyed material benefits that the average American Serf could only dream of. But, he made a fatal decision to buy into the lies that Tony Blair and George Fucking Bush made to him IF he abandoned his ambitious plans to militarily strengthen Libya, create a gold-backed dinar, and demand for his oil to be paid in those dinar. Gaddafi let Blair and Bush send in "advisers" and put them in charge of economic liberalization. Our goons quickly undermined the security of the Libyan State and set them up for a sudden economic crash when the time was right. Gaddafi foolishly trusted in our promises and figured everything was fine. In 2011, we pulled the pin on that mess and Gaddafi suddenly found himself without security and the Libyan economy had crashed due to all the worthless paper we attached to their currency. So, Gaddafi was another Great Leader who made that one fatal mistake that cost him everything. I'm sure he overrode his advisers who warned him about making deals with the Great Satan (ZOG-U.S).


3 years ago

Terrible thumbnail feature pic. Julia Roberts is NOT a typical example of the average prostitute most men would be able to find.

Better to go without and sexually starve than get tangled up with the trash selling their blown out pussies and cruelly fake affections. Not to mention the unforeseen human trash that she has in her orbit.

Get that paper towel, open up your favorite porn site, rub one out, flush it down the toilet, and go about your day with no worries about the slut or some robbers who are casing you for a hit, later on.

3 years ago

Marriage is definitely long-term prostitution. The difference is with marriage you don't get guaranteed sex, when you do get sex it won't be good sex and eventually she will cut you off completely from sex and take half your stuff and demand monthly payments from you while doing nothing for you. What a great deal!

3 years ago

In the great ancient cultures, you had the right to be suspicious or feel like she is not doing her job. You could use the pimp hand, force her (not rape since you are one flesh, one entity), or bring to the elders judges to warn her do her duty, or maybe throw the unruly bitch from a high hill to the stone ground, banishment, or public humiliation. What we have today thank to pushers of equality such as the enlightenment philosophers, puritans, and darwinists (women have evolved lol) is progress, you should love it.

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