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Why the West is doomed, Andrew Tate

73 Views • 08/24/22

Why the West is doomed, Andrew Tate

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2 years ago

All SYMPTOMS. Mr, Tate, get to the (((ROOT))) of the problem.

The West is doomed but, not from congenital defect but, from JEWISH social engineering that slowly undermined it for so long.

2 years ago

Pot calling the kettle black. A lot of what he said is correct, however, he is massive hypocrite that sits there and says Romania is nice then leaves the west, relocates there and brings vice and tries to live off of defrauding other people with his hustlers university. He seems like part of the problem more than the solution bit he does have some well spoken red pills here and there, but it's not his words that are bad, it's his actions.

2 years ago

I'm planning to leave the west and I'm very mindful about not bringing the west with me. A heavy dose of religion helps! A lot of American expats are going to be like Californians to the rest of the world!

2 years ago

@ihatetheantichrist: i agree man, the Californians and new yorkers make us all look bad. they messed up their own states so severely they have to run and then they go to mexico to do drugs endlessly in Tulum and then get shot by a cartel member when they think the rules are the same as in the US. I really despise these Californians. They ruin everything and make us all look bad and have turned the united states into a libtard nightmare. These people are so high on drugs all the time and narcissistic, they have no understanding of common courtesy. They treat the people in the host country and in other states like crap and then wonder why cartel members try to kill them and why people despise them so much. I am surprised that some of these countries haven't banned americans yet because of the california scumbags. If they had an understanding of the golden rule, they wouldn't have had to run from california in the first place. California used to be a paradise half a century ago and they have ruined it completely thats why its so sad. They will ruin it wherever they go, just like tulum, they have ruined that area since they all ran there to continue their drug binge to avoid the covid restrictions they themselves voted for in california. I think they need to allow countries the discretion to ask for the drivers license or local id too and deport and block people from california or new york. If someone tells me they are from either of those states, I avoid them and keep my distance until i see they are capable of being a normal human being. They should only be allowed to travel to Afghanistan, papa new guinea, the poor section of calcutta, the darien gap, haiti, and Antarctica. Maybe they can put a section in a special passport for californians where they get stickers when they behave well just like a child in elementary school so slowly they can understand how to be a human again, then when they get enough stickers they can travel again haha.


2 years ago

@ihatetheantichrist: As the old maxim goes: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

2 years ago

Excellent point. This must be why he's cancelled. He's dropping truth bombs like this, but he's also very cancellable because he's extremely based.
America and the west are doomed. The glue that holds societies together isn't there, and the militarized police are just as he said, cellophane tape.


2 years ago

People don't know, or are forbidden, to know what that "glue" is that holds societies together. Very simply, it is racial ethnocentrism and JEWS have been undermining and poisoning White racial identity for at least four generations. Where internal policing was once done by Whites themselves, was replaced by external policing. Government has long ceased to represent Whites and is actively at war with us. Therefore, the police state is actively engaging Whites when we even grumble about BLM or other countless Jewish social disruptors. Whites had better go nuclear against our (((OPPRESSORS))) or it's all over with.

Edward Longshanks
Edward Longshanks
2 years ago

Wasn't this grifter cancelled? And rightly so.


I don't know - he tends to be straight speaking and I respect him for that.

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