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Why Women Don't Want Men To Be Free - MGTOW

444 Views • 04/09/21
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The key to a lasting relationship? Arguing!

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought you by a donation from a more than generous donation from Aaron. I believe this is the second of three videos I'm making for him. I found an interesting article called: "The key to a lasting relationship? Arguing!" This in a sense is true because most of the old couples in my neighborhood growing up are still together and they are or were constantly arguing. Neighbors on all sides of my childhood home the women wouldn't stop yapping. They would constantly be trying to provoke those men, oftentimes publicly through shaming, nagging and general ridicule. This daily mail article should be titled "The key to women's lasting sanity? Nagging, shaming and arguing." Arguing drives men mad and it makes women sane. You have to wonder how long the argument was going on if the guy literally had to step out of the house so that he could get some peace and quiet. I remember growing up the next door neighbor he'd be outside on the driveway not knowing what to do about his wife in the house and she would yapping at him at the door or through a window. In the bible there's that line that says it's better to dwell on a corner rooftop of your house than in it with a woman that talks too much and annoys you. I don't think that works because whenever I'd see a man leave the house she would follow him outside. I've only known a few men smart enough to get in their vehicle and drive away. But that was only a temporary solution because when they eventually get home their twat demon is going to talk their ear off even more. It's on the very very few smart guys that figured out that they should get in their car and never come back. Go their own way. The article written by a man or maybe mangina, you be the judge named Ian Leslie starts off discussing a couple named Tara and Simon and how they are always arguing but that they have a great relationship. They thrive on friction. I'll discuss what the article says and my thoughts about it just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin:
Anyways, now back to the clown world show where arguing is happiness and peace and quiet is depressing. Where up is down and down is up. One part of the article says this and I quote: "Heated confrontation (ie arguing) can be good for relationships in that sometimes it’s only when someone gets mad at you that you find out how much they care about being with you. If you’ve been married for many years, you may feel you do not need such reassurance, and that it’s almost never worth upsetting the apple cart." unquote. Ian is trying to justify mostly women's behavior here. They constantly ask if you love them because they need to know you are under their spell. It's so annoying but it's part of their psychology and proof enough to me that they don't love us the way we love them. If they did then they would know when we are in love and when we weren't. Ten years ago the psychotherapist I used to go to would always tell me that arguing was an essential part of a healthy relationship. The idea is that if your partner loses their temper with you over something then you understand how important that particular something is to them so logically you won't push their buttons in the future as a result and you'll know their boundaries. More than likely if you're a mangina and you do something to piss your partner off and she shows it you probably won't upset her ever again. But if she upsets you and you're a pushover then she will intentionally push your buttons in the future to stir up drama.

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5 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

the only thing you need to remember......NEVER TRUST THEM......EVER.

3 years ago

This person is 100% right. I almost made the mistake of trusting a woman with my secrets but I trusted her with a small, unimportant one first to see if she was trustworthy. Naturally she IMMEDIATELY betrayed my trust despite us being in good standing. I can't imagine how bad it would have been if I had shared everything with her or worse, eventually signed a marriage contract. Never trust a woman, ever.


3 years ago

This is why we need Sharia Law. Men have to be able to set boundaries and demand respect from their wives.

Yeah, there was a time when I would've been against Sharia Law but, things have gotten so bad and women are so rebellious that Sharia seems to be the only thing left. Sharia in the West is like a set of clothes that fit poorly and don't look very good. BUT, it's better than being naked and exposed to the elements.

3 years ago

No. That's not a good idea, firstly it will only control everyone, turn them into religious robots. Secondly, you can't use law to control women, men, anyone. Do you really think anyone would be happy being forced into relationships filled with hate and resentment? That's why women cheat on cucks, because that kind of a life is shit. Your comment sounds like redpill rage, maybe you should lay off the content for a while.

3 years ago

Sharia Law is broad. It covers more than just family court. In fact it cover every aspect of everyone's daily lives. It also rules over non Moslem to a certain degree. When it comes to implementation however, you will soon see a lot of loop holes waiting to be exploited. The way the law works can be manipulated and reinterpreted by those who will gain from it. For people in power it's 'Rules for thee, not for me'. Nonetheless, I still agree on one thing. Islam is right about woman.

3 years ago

I agree. I dislike islam and find Sharia law to be poorly constructed but an equivalent for the west would be far superior to the ultra-gynocentric bullshit that all of the hardcore leftism has caused. What's funny is that Sharia law and islam are LEFTIST in nature, they're not on the right or even centrist but hardcore leftism has become so extreme that even regular leftism is an upgrade.


3 years ago

@RoboCat: My take on Islam is not so much for how it orders society but that it seems to be the last means available to restore order. Not all Islam is the same and, if I had to pick, I think the Persian-flavor of Shia Islam would be the best of many bad choices. We may not like the new order but, we have only ourselves to blame for allowing the Jewish Fifth Columns to run unchecked for so long. Willful ignorance is fun for a while but, the resulting chaos means that we'll be forced into a new order just to avoid the Jew-driven chaos that would otherwise take place.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I wouldn't say that islam "restores order" in a nation, no idea what gave you that idea in the first place. EX: The middle east has been a war-torn shithole/clusterfuck for *thousands* of years and while that's not exclusively because of islam, islam is still the biggest reason for it. Also, "the jewish fifth columns"? that's nonsense. The actual problem is LEFTISM and it's not subtle or ambiguous. EX: Very hardcore leftist nations like the U.K., Canada, Australia, France, Germany and Sweden have the same problems as other "western nations" except those problems are jacked up to absurd levels. This is BECAUSE those nations are very extremist in their leftism that the same problems exist but amplified. It's leftism , it was always leftism. Trying to pretend otherwise simply exposes you as a leftist and therefore, part of the problem. No, it wasn't "the jews", it was LEFTISTS like you.


3 years ago

@RoboCat: Zionist Judaism is the essence, the core, of all LEFTISM. The Frankfurt School in particular and the Frankfurt School is JEWISH. To claim that it's Leftists and not Jews is like saying that smoke appears on its own and has nothing to do with the fire that generated it. How that distinction can escape you is not surprising since Jews have controlled the public perception of things since the end of WW2. Jewish control of the media and education goes back even further in Europe but, the current manifestation of Jewish thought is largely a post-WW2 development. Finally, most people correctly detect the symptoms of the Jewish menace but, most have not read the Jews' own publications or what they say among themselves when they don't expect the Goyim to be watching. *I* read their own stuff and what their own rabbis say. It is FAR WORSE than you think.


3 years ago

@RoboCat: As for Islam, I did qualify my comment with the idea that it would be a poor fit but, when a country is naked and pretending its garbed in the finest robes, it's better than nothing. The races that typically follow Islam are of low intelligence and would war with each other regardless of the religion they practiced. The Iranians practice a unique Persian form of Sharia and they are a First World nation. They manage to sustain themselves as much as Nature allows them and despite the unfounded sanctions levied upon them by ZOG-U.S.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: That's cute, leftist. You can keep deflecting and try to pretend that it's everything except your precious orthodoxy but I will not play along. You leftists are filth and nothing more but I will address your propagandist drivel one last time; Sure, the Frankfurt school was founded by jews because those jews were.... wait for it, LEFTISTS. You know who else is leftist? muslims. The muslims have freely raped euro for decades now and the reason for this is BECAUSE they are leftists they are allowed to commit atrocities. The same goes for other leftists like the jews and the christians which broadly support leftist orthodoxy as an extension of their doctrine. However, the problem is not religion because there are denominations of all three of these religions that are virulently opposed to leftism such as the menonites/amish/hasidics/etc. , it's not religion, it's LEFTISM even if dipshits like you try to pretend otherwise.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I do not support islam, ever. However a rough equivalent of Sharia law adapted for modern 'first-world' nations would be an upgrade simply because of how severe their rampant hardcore leftism has decayed the nations in question. Again, you keep deflecting as befits a leftist clown like you. The muslims and islam in general are cancer. 100% worthless and to be opposed with maximum force. The difference between the jews and the muslims is that the jews might be pieces of shit but at least they will not form gangs to brutally beat you, rob you or murder you simply "because". I don't like jews for various reasons, but I loathe leftists like you. You are garbage. End of discussion.


3 years ago

@RoboCat: Thought as much. A KIKE JEW masquerading as a conservative. Surprisingly common in the comment sections today. All I've seen from you are false accusations of me being a Leftist when you clearly have NO IDEA of the ideological core of Leftism. Or perhaps you do but, you figure I'm just another Goy that you can fool with (((neocon))) sophistry. Not going along with your Jew filth does not equate to deflection. When I brought up Islam, I was addressing the greater problem of cultural and societal rot and pondering what alternatives there are. Only a stupid idiot who can't grasp the finer points of a proposal would vomit out rash Jew rantings as you've done. You are an idiot.

3 years ago

"twat demon" dude you crack me up!!!

3 years ago

What a title....If men know the answer to this question, there'll live 10 years longer than the usual

3 years ago

and they would be 10 waaaaaay better years than with a "twat demon"


3 years ago

They do not want us free because then they could no longer control and manipulate us at their whim.


3 years ago

Are you living in Uruguay? It seems like one of those well-kept secrets and a good place for Americans looking to flee the insanity.


3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Hello. No, I don't live in Uruguay but in Argentina. And if you are looking to escape from insanity, then ... DON'T COME HERE!!!!!

3 years ago

@ElHombreporsuCuenta: It's a shame too cause Argentinian women are hot as hell but they're also mega cunt bitches too just like in the United States. All the ones I met had black hair and blue eyes my favorite combo but were just as cunty as the Americans maybe more.


3 years ago

@havok545: You don't miss out on anything. Trust me...


3 years ago

@ElHombreporsuCuenta: What have you heard about Uruguay? Is it better than Argentina or about the same?


3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: That depends on what you consider "better" and what aspects you refer to.


3 years ago

@ElHombreporsuCuenta: Is Uruguay socially and culturally stable? Do they reject the freaks and misfits that we're compelled to admire? Does Uruguay have the courage to be normal and sane?


3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Uruguay is as screwed up as any country in America and the West in general.

3 years ago

@ElHombreporsuCuenta: Argentina apesta. Es demasiadisimo izquierdista y por lo tanto, el feminismo esta fuera de control. Sin embargo la gente de argentina sigue pidiendo mas izquierdismo..... al pendejo lo que pide.


3 years ago

@RoboCat: A todos esos que piden mas izquierdismo ya les llegará su turno. Tiempo al tiempo...

3 years ago

@ElHombreporsuCuenta: Tienes toda la razon. Por cierto que la nacion a la que yo pertenezco va por el mismo camino que Argentina asi que no pienses que hablo a lo loco. Mexico solo esta unos cuantos años atracito de Argentina aunque quiza se alarge. La mamada de Mexico es que la corrupcion extrema de nuestro gobierno nos ha protegido de muchas cosas como esas. Hablo en serio aunque parezca payasada.

3 years ago

@ElHombreporsuCuenta: Uruguay is in bad shape? I've heard very good things and online stats are very high/very good. Yeah those stats might be bullshit but in RL references to Uruguay have matched up with what I 've read in 100% of instances. Es decir, me cuesta trabajo creer que Uruguay este igual o parecido a pocilgas como Venezuela, Argentina, Honduras, El Salvador y proximamente Chile y Mexico. Si, Uruguay tiene problemas por que no hay lugar perfecto, pero esta muy bien, relativemente hablando. Preferiria ir a vivir a Uruguay que un pais socialista como Venezuela/Canada/U.K./etc..... pronto Mexico se anexa, PINCHE AMLO

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