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Why Women Get Woke & Go Broke - MGTOW

407 Views • 10/21/20
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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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De-aging Robert Deniro in The Irishman [DeepFake]

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, It's Robert, the guy with the precognitive dream about artificial wombs being developed before AI. I just submitted a $32 tip on Subscribestar. 32 for 3200 degrees Kelvin. Charlie took my idea for the parasite video so just consider this part of the Sandman moving day fund. What do you think about a video regarding all the rumors that Disney is clearing out all the SJW's because they realize get woke go broke is a real thing? Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who, Ghostbusters, Terminator, Batwoman. SJW have steered them all into the rocks. Hopefully the same thing won't happen to this new Matrix movie. Once upon a time it was always straight white males as heroes. Now they are all getting replaced. I was also curious what was going to happen with Black Panther? Any luck with the screensaver/3200 Kelvin thing? That's a cool temporal hack. Did I send you this one? This is a precog dream I had about 15 years ago. I had oneitis for this little Pamela Anderson clone I used to work with. Single mommy with 2 kids. History of bad relationships. I was still blue pilled but my spidey sense was warning me to not get involved. I had moved on to another job and hadn't seen her in a year. I had a dream where I met her while she was working as an escort and she didn't recognize me because I was wearing a disguise (a wig). It had all the vibrational properties of a precognitive dream but it was so outlandish that I tossed it in the junk bin. It's fall and I'm driving around the north Georgia area doing some amateur photography. I hit the Lost Sea, Cherohala Skyway, and a cool biker bar at the end of the Tail of the Dragon drive. I saw an ad for a Halloween contest at an Atlanta strip club. On my way home I thought it would be cool to check it out. There was this stripper there who looked, talked, and moved like her. I definetly think it was her. She didn't recognize me because I had grown my hair out to go as Thor for Halloween." unquote. Well Robert thanks for the donation and topic. It's weird that you mention precognitive dreaming because I had one yesterday, the day before scripting this. Plus I also have some theories as to what's going on out there in get woke go broke land. I'll get to my thoughts about what you brought up in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. I think that the destruction of Western geek culture in the last five years goes way beyond money. I think it's leftist activists that pretty my run the cultural institutions in America as well as the universities. I believe that they are doing what Yuri Bezmenov called subversion and more specifically the part of subversion that has to deal with demoralization and this all goes way beyond money. We've all heard about activist journalists but the people demolishing our culture are activist film makers and tv producers and they are being paid very well to destroy our heroes. I stopped watching Star Trek, skipped on the rise of skywalker in the theaters and stopped caring about Dr. Who as well. Black Pigeon speaks gets this situation right when he says that the radical types are trying to destroy old customs and old culture. They are trying to destroy the stories that make us think and the characters that are strong male archetypes while putting Mary Sue's on the mantle of the culture they conquer. They miscalculated the control their cooches have spectacularly. Ghostbusters went back to the drawing board and I can't wait to see the new film they make for kids that comes out next year.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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5 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

This is why redpill entertainment is needed.


4 years ago

yah? tell that to these twitch whores who outearn you, me and basically every mgtow on here lmao with their bikini twitch games and only fans... I mean it aint fair but this is life... oh and all you faggots who think that once shtf or fall of us dollar is gonna bring these girls down... no... their instawhorerry will only peak...

4 years ago

ya young women get to start life in easy mode, but then they turn 30 and more often then not all that easy thottery money is gone wasted on useless consumer entitlements and then the bitterness starts to settle in with em ;) , of coarse after this bitter old women and the corps resort to using the power of the state to take resources from men and will stop at nothing short of total control and enslavement of man! this is the perversion that disturbs me.

4 years ago

@Randy77marsh77: more often THAN not. Just so you know...

4 years ago

...and of COURSE....


4 years ago

Some of them do. Lots of the women who try to THOT don't earn that much.


4 years ago

@anonamoose: thats cuz theyre either an obvious tranny... ugly... or an ugly tranny...


4 years ago

@Metal_X: Well I found out my ex has tried onlyfans, patreon and now Twitch. She's very attractive and has 7000 followers on instagram. She is 33 but looks younger for her age and has been publishing erotic photos for years. She's not very confident and I don't think she knows how to market herself. It might actually be getting saturated now and maybe it's mostly early 20s women who will get any attention. When I checked her only fans she had like 5 subs and she was linked from her IG account so I imagine a very large percentage of her IG followers are dorment. She didn't get one sub on patreon and she only just got affiliate on Twitch so not sure how that's going. I have no desire to watch her stream as that would still be rather sensitive and triggering.


4 years ago

@anonamoose: the young an hot ones score big yet again... dont hate the player hate the game lol

4 years ago

I doubt they're pulling the plug. Mission accomplished in destroying fan culture in film, comics, and "comedy". They pumped money into it and were happy to burn it as the cost of Psychological operations and subversion in the name of demoralization.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

After all we are dealing with evil forces through the further corruption of western whamen, But trust me...When the west falls so will then the east be next.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
4 years ago

Oh Robert, Now I remember him who I’m very inspired by, I am a very spiritual person too.

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