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Why Work & Pay Tax To Support Chads Children? - MGTOW

396 Views • 01/12/22
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The Red Pill Developer

Should I "get a job" even if I have the option not to?

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John. He didn't give me a topic. So what I thought I'd do is cover a story I found on the Going Your Own Way Dot Com Forum called: "Should I "get a job" even if I have the option not to?" by someone name RenaiZance and here's what he has to say and I quote: "So I've been thinking about this for a long time. Taking the Red Pill has released me from the chains of Western society. Kids, marriage, loans, etc. Digging yourself into a hole you can't get out of in the name of "the American Dream". I've become self-actualized and figured out that when you need less, you don't need some shitty job that makes you waste gas money plowing through traffic at 7am when you've barely gotten up. What sane person would want to do that for 45 years? Ok so we got that out of the way. But I'm in a unique position in that I have parents who are really well off and I don't really need to get some shitty soul sucking 9-5 job. I don't want kids either. Why work that much and pay taxes? Just to raise money for Chads children? I got denied sex for most of my youth and won't get to have a family of my own and you think I want to pay taxes for Chad's kids to live hunky dorey? HAH. Anyways. I've tried to hold down jobs and they let me go for the stupidest reasons like asking similar questions too many times. That's it. I do my job and am even on time every morning but even that's not enough for those poopy heads. I have some learning issues but I find that people just don't care and they will put money over the human every time. Is there a way besides owning a business to get good money and do you even really need a job in my circumstance?" unquote. Well John thanks for the donation and thanks RenaiZance for posting this topic which a lot of guys have been bringing up with me recently. Especially the ones that have made a small fortune on Crypto, a couple hundred thousand dollars and now believe it's time to take part in the great resignation. Why even bother working when you're getting a 14-15% pay cut every year if inflation continues like it has measured the way it was back in 1980? Remember that loans are a great way to defeat inflation. However the problem is you never know when the banking system is going to pull the financial rug out from under you by raising interest rates. They can't do it now because most western countries would go bankrupt. But I won't put anything past the maniacs at the Federal Reserve. In the USA you guys are lucky because you can lock in interest rates for twenty years. In Canada it's only five years. If I had gotten a mortgage on a house ten to twenty years ago I would have made a killing. Probably 20-30% compounded annual return on my down payment money. Instead I was stupid for 15 years believing that interest rates would eventually rise and the market would crash. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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5 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

Yeah there's times I worked 3 jobs at once and wound up with nothing in the end. Fuck being a wage slave for a bunch of evil corporate assholes. There's no future there I've figured out the only way I'm gonna have a good future is to give soy-ciety the finger and start working towards my own goals.
I hold no hope for working to become rich,especially with the world economy being held hostage over the common cold!
My future is war,but ya know what war isn't so bad compared to the slow monotonous crawl towards a most sorrow filled death alone and filled with regret which is all the working poor are promised.
Fuck their system,fuck their bullshit lies,and most of all fuck all of them!
I'm awake to the lies and aware of the fact that I will never be raised up into the ranks of the ultra wealthy....I'd rather be chopping their fucking heads than joining them anyways! Those bastards are eating their own babies on private islands to stay young and deliberately destroying freedom and killing most of humanity with a series of mandated euthanasia injections.
I'd rather live the rest of my life in a war against them than slave away because of some false hope that I can join them.


3 years ago

agree 100% - do not accept any employee status job. own your own business work 6-9 months a year, run your expenses through the business - do not get involved with normies "jobs" or just do contractor work as your own company.

3 years ago

Look, I'm young, idealistic and yeah full of crazy hormones that make me want to fuck all the time.
But being forced through the red pill rage at 17 really helped me start to set my head straight.
I'll tell that story one day, but I'm 19-20 now and have really learned from the experience.

Last year was probably one of the best years for me relative to the rest of my life because I was able to really start to reorientate my mind, I spent most of last year not being sober and used that altered state of consciousness to rewire my brain from being a depressed little mushroom into a creative with a plan, I've actually developed concentration(something I never really had during school), I've cut out most unhealthy foods and drinks, I can't stand the taste of soft drink, I don't care about the whims of women and I'm learning how to transmutate my sexual drive into a working drive, I meditate multiple times a day now to concentrate my mind and telling the truth to both myself and the universe isn't something I'm afraid of anymore. I don't drink booze anymore nor smoke weed, I'm still on the tobacco but that'll be gone soon aswell.

My plan within the next month is to try try again with my e-commerce business I attempted to start in late 2020 and improving my health is a part of that plan. Create a sustainable income so I can afford to improve my health further and in the event that these jabs end up killing most of my family, I'll be able to look after my little brothers, getting into bitcoin at the tail end of the opportunity, and so on.

The main goal for my business is to grow it into a system that will allow me to bring the world out of poverty, so yeah I don't expect to do that in one lifetime and the elites aren't going to do it. This part might sound evil but in the process of bringing the world out of poverty I can literally develop an efficient and effective work force. And I don't care about stereotypes, they hold some truth but are rather pathetic. I have a plan for dealing with the drug gangs in Africa so no issue.

I've already accepted that I can't do it alone so in the early stages of my plan, I'll develop a management system to help effectively direct resources to where I need them.

Oh and leaving Australia behind is a must, this country is and will continue to hold me back(thanks for taking my last two normal jobs away) I just need to make a decision upon whether or not I'm comfortable using slave labour to get started, I'm leaning towards just upping the cost and not using slave labour from overseas.

I absolutely love it when people say your dreaming as a response to hearing my plan because I can just look at them and ask, did you even try mate?


3 years ago

Well done! You are very fortunate to have your Red Pill Awakening so early on. There is a huge abundance of narratives that have grown with MGTOW over the past 10 years and you'll have all that at your disposal to maintain your sanity. As far as the economic end of things, sorry mate, there's nothing left in the West but skims, scams, and grifts. The only true way to create wealth is by agriculture, mining/extraction, manufacturing, and infrastructure to support the previous three. All of that was available in the late 19th and most of the 20th century. Henry Ford was THE EPITOME of industrial capitalism and how to do it right. Endicott Johnson Corporation was the epitome of how the Social Contract can work for both corporation and workers. Those concepts have never changed but, all of that was sent to China and the sweatshop countries where (((TPTB))) would no longer be bothered by ethics. Reaganomics-Thatcherism enabled them to more fully extract the wealth created while barely paying the workers. Then there's the monetization of arbitrage which further exploits workers on both ends i.e. producer and consumer. There is no wealth creation on the internet. Only gimmicks that transfer wealth and, in every transfer, some is lost due to the built-in skimming of nameless and faceless 3rd parties in the ethereal digital background. The internet is a global scale reshuffling of deck-chairs on the global Titanic. I salute you for not wanting to use slave labor but, unless you have a monopoly on your idea, you'll be defeated by a competitor who has no compunction to exploit people and can legally get away with it.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I was In the shower thinking about what you said, about being out played by a competitor who doesn't have a compunction to exploit people through slave labour. I think I've developed a solution but it'll mean I'll have to exploit these same people for a time until I can create a system to pay them back. Hence using their slave labour to collect enough wealth until I can literally employ them elsewhere. Use their slave labour to pay them back with a part of the wealth their work generates in due course. That's the moral middle ground I've come up with. It's not as evil as giving it no thought at all, but It means a tad more work in the long run which isn't a big deal to me.


3 years ago

@Vandetta: It is normal to have growing pains, whether in business or civilization. It is the natural order of things to exploit the inferior to make progress. In due time, enough capital is accrued to hire higher quality individuals and pay them their fair shair. What *IS* evil is when the capitalist system is more that able to pay 1st World wages to 1st World people but, for the sake of greed, it regresses back into sweatshops and slavery. That gets into macro concepts like the Social Contract and that Contract must be enforced. Even if short term economic harm results and the rich suffer losses on their paper assets.

3 years ago

I know I'm in the minority, even in MGTOW circles, but I can't stand children at all. Their smells make me puke and their screaming makes me see red. So I'd rather pay taxes than be subjected to babies and toddlers only to go to prison for the rest of my life...

Mark E
Mark E
3 years ago

I guess that I'm in the minority aswell! lol


3 years ago

LOL! Even as a little kid, I did not like other kids! I tried to hang out with the adults whenever I could.


3 years ago

Taxes are theft.
I see the State as an enemy, an oppressive and violent entity that robs us of the fruit of our work.

3 years ago

The American tradition is rooted in looking at governments with suspicion, this should be the normal state of things. The american way is rooted in a way of freedom, this is supposed to be a land where tyrants come to die. As the state apparatuses have grown through the world, there are large bodies of government entities who run by dictate and are unaccountable to the people even in the USA. The states size and scope should always be cautiously limited. As lord acton said, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


3 years ago

The State is one of those complex topics that's hard to distill down into a simple Good vs Evil discussion. The Great Man himself, Adolf Hitler, analyzed at great length the different types of States and how they could be productive or destructive to the populations under its governance. The State is like a GOLEM. A very powerful, but mindless, entity that is guided by a sanctioned body made up of the best men of the land who are suited to govern OR, in the case of unfortunate countries, JEWS will ooze up through the ranks, take over the Golem/State, and use it against the legitimate people of the land. Practically all States in the West are the enemy of the people who rightly belong on the land i.e. Whites in Western countries.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Whites are only native to Central Asia, they spread out through germanic invasions of animalistic barbarians

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Whites are only native to Central Asian, think Kryzigstan, Khazakhstan. You hairy smelly cave monkey neanderthal crawled out of the caves somewhere around there.


3 years ago

@faggot: Whites grew into power and prestige as we moved out. YOU and your kind would still be as you were thousands of years ago.

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