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Wildfire approaches residential area in Greece
A large wildfire broke out in the Attica region of Greece with the blaze closely approaching residential areas. According to the fire department, strong winds are worsening the situation and complicating the work of the firefighters. <br> <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative. <br>Follow us on Facebook: <br>Follow us on Telegram: <br>Follow us on Twitter:
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2 years ago
You don't know how pleased many people in Australia would be to have a fire like this coming through.....
It's not insignificant - but it's nothing like the horrors of a huge eucalyptus based bush fire...
The fires in Greece are a "clean up right around your house and busilding's and install a sprinkler system and a good fire hose or two..."
These are not 1500*C inferno blow torches, that just scorch everything to the ground in front of them.....