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Woman BEHEADED Publicly In California Ignites CRIME WAVE Panic, Democrats Panic As Voters REVOLT

108 Views • 09/09/22
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Buy RIOT By Tom MacDonald - <br>Woman BEHEADED Publicly In California Ignites CRIME WAVE Panic, Democrats Panic As Voters REVOLT. Democrats Know That Crime is out of control and voters aren't standing for it. <br> <br>Several stories have emerged of insane crime and attacks in big cities. NY has declared a polio emergency and democrat policy is failing. But voting republican is not going to cut it. Building culture and winning legal battles is the path forward. <br> <br>Republicans may win in november but only if people organize will change actually happen <br> <br>#democrats <br>#republicans <br>#crimewave <br> <br>Become A Member And Protect Our Work at <br> <br>My Second Channel - <br>Podcast Channel - <br> <br>Merch - <br> <br>Make sure to subscribe for more travel, news, opinion, and documentary with Tim Pool everyday.

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2 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

So you see some ass hole cutting another persons head off in public. What do you do?

You pull out your concealed carry handgun and you pump him full of fucking bullets.

Administer trauma level first aid to the victim while standing on the asshole with a knife.


2 years ago

Hold on a minute! Let's not be so quick to demonize the man. How do we know that she didn't destroy his life by cheating on him and then stealing everything in divorce court? Is he supposed to just lay down and die on the streets without getting his revenge? How quickly we forget about the massive power that Jews and feminism have given women and how easily they can arouse the power of the State to destroy men without any cause or evidence.. You can be sure that there's a LOT of backstory that we're not hearing about. We are living in evil times where things are not as they seem.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
2 years ago

That's one less welfare leech no doubt. Real women are useless. I don't advocate for violence against anyone. But most people around me don't give a toss about men dying in the never-ending resource wars to benefit elites. Men who could have real jobs being productive and boost the quality of life for everyone instead of depopulating themselves so the elites can collect more harem whores.

2 years ago

Nope! You are wrong sir. America needs Jesus! Until America admits that, all she will get is "satan!"


2 years ago

Jesus is precisely why and how we've fallen into the Jew World Order. Christianity has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful birdThe perverse doctrines contained in the Sermon on The Mount, Romans 13, and other evils that have grown up with modern JEWdeo-Xtianity brought us here. HOW? Christianity, from the beginning, has always had a theological back door for the JEWS to encroach, unseen, and corrupt the doctrines and followers. The current iteration of Christianity is so evil that it is JEWdeo-Xtianity. Here's a top Jew to tell you in plain English:

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: They say this kind of thing all of the time, yet if you say it it's "anti-semitic".


2 years ago

@FL_Steve: hehehe.... I'd be ashamed if I wasn't anti-semitic! I flame Jews to a crisp with THEIR OWN STUFF. I learned far too much about the Jews and the Jew Mind Virus to change my mind now.


2 years ago

@FL_Steve: Please click on link to open pic. Can't understand why some pop open and some don't.


2 years ago

@FL_Steve: FYI, I did some investigative study into the English Civil War in the mid-17th century. Y'know what I've *ALWAYS* said about festering boils on the body-politic and (((WHO))) is always feeding the infection???? THAT'S RIGHT. **J*E*W*S** Before the English civil war, Jews were banned from England but, of course, Jews can always find a way in and be able to interfere. One of the unprotected gates of England was Christianity itself! Look at the timeline. A certain theologian, Jakob Arminius, creates a rather modernist interpretation of Scripture in the early 17th century. It smells of Paul's sales pitch of the Jesus he never met but, made in his image. The seeds of a religious war were planted. This is what JEWS often do. Eventually, the Jews' harvest of civil war erupts in the mid-17th century. The Roundheads (supporters of a parliamentary democracy) won the war. Jews LOVE democracy because it gives them a way to manipulate public opinion and translate that opinin into VOTES. Other wars and disruptions took place in Europe and a new order arose. Guess who admits to destroying the old order for their own benefit? JEWS. How do I know this? Read this article and skip down to the segment titled, "The Rise Of Capitalism." Here's the MONEY QUOTE: "Perhaps most of all, a new world economy emerged – one in which the Jews were extremely influential bringing about." . Now JEWS may claim their influence brought about the rise of Dutch wealth and power but, the JEWS always harvest that fruit for themselves when they've exhausted their gullible hosts.


2 years ago

@FL_Steve: BTW, guess what happened after the English Civll War? JEWS were readmitted into England and the British Isles! How about that? Granted, I skipped a lot of details to type up that thumbnail sketch but, it is clear that Jews were meddling with King Charles I in order to get back in. The race traitor, Oliver Cromwell, was the Shabbos Goy who betrayed England. Cromwell also let them in for the sake of the stupid Stupid STUPID Christ-tards of the time. One of many reasons I renounced Christianity and pointed out how it is often used as a backdoor by Jews.


2 years ago

@FL_Steve: Let's hear it straight from a top Jew who was a bit closer to that historical era than we are:

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