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woman cant pair bond
• 04/29/21
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4 years ago
Pair bond, no. Mothers beat all sense of intellect out of their daughters from age 5. Confirmed slut age 12-14. Pole dancing since age 6-8. She is prostitute in training since birth and now that they've been empowered, now they are pimps.
4 years ago
women are so useless at Pair bonding even their tit's are both different sizes! LOL!
4 years ago
Supply and Demand. There is almost always some simp willing to shower ANY woman with attention. Women are entitled because they can afford to be entitled. I see so many nasty landwhales that are MARRIED to above average guys. I like the part where you said the happiest day of your life was when you accepted that women didn't want you. To be fair though you are a good looking dude, I would think women would be after you.
4 years ago
Women can absolutely pair bond, they do it all the time with many men, for example George Washington, Abe Lincoln ,
Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Franklin, they love pair bonding with these men each time
you open your wallet.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
A female has trouble enough as it is to pairbond with the first, due to her Solipsism(Guarantee of access to ressources).
She used to having to compromise because of negative social consequences for wrong behavior(destruction of family).
After setting up the Gynocentric State, she can always get ALL Mens ressources while she goes on and off the CC. Thus removing any motivation to pairbond.
Unless placed in a NPC Collective, in which has negative social consequences, she can't bond.