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Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW

376 Views • 03/02/22
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve on Subscribestar. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to do is cover what I see as an inevitability at this point. That political power in the west will shortly be taken over by a coalition of women and minorities that will run western countries into the ground trying to create a socialist social justice utopia. In Ontario Canada the province I live in the second and third largest political parties their elected members of parliament make up over fifty percent of the party. Their Candidates from these pictures I'm showing you off their websites make up sixty to seventy percent of their members waiting in the wings to take power. It's a certainty that at some point be it five years or ten years that the conservative party of Ontario gets voted out and when that happens we will probably have fifty to sixty percent of our provincial politicians being female. The parliament will join such wonderful countries as Cuba and Rwanda with more females than males in power. I don't care who's in power so long as they are competent. But where does this end? Will minority men keep voting for the leftist female centric parties? I spoke about a while back that Hispanic and Black men are increasingly leaving the side of Democratic party in the United States and voting for Republicans. They are doing this because of the lack of respect they are receiving. Seeing that they don't matter to a left that's all about women's rights and freedoms as opposed to men's. I'm glad they are finally waking up from their slumber and seeing that politics is not between the left and right but between male and female. Doesn't anyone else think that once women make up 60 or 70% of politicians that they will harbor animosity towards men for all the so called years of patriarchal oppression that they weren't around to see? Ethnic groups can hate each other for hundreds or even thousands of years. Look at the Japanese vs Chinese. Or the British and Germans. Being from a Balkan background I can't tell you how much hatred Serbs and Croatians hated one another. Me being a mix of the two I never understood their connection to events long since past. Regardless, it doesn't matter if what happened is real or imaginary the hatred is still there. I suspect that it will be used to punish Heritage Canadians of European descent as well as those in most other anglo-saxon and western European countries for things they never did. Punishment for past misogyny. But the problem is the coalition of women and minorities will be trying to destroy the ones that are keeping their infrastructure going. It's like they don't have a memory that everything is built by men or something. So what will happen? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red
Pill Developer:

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Muscular handsome sexy Santa Claus

Fitness woman drinking water at workout in the gym

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8 Comments sort Sort By

3 years ago

Nothing of this affects me.
I don't pay taxes (work under the table since forever), have my assets under trust companies, a sex doll and buy a 10/10 escort when I want to go out with a woman.
Live in a house in a small town far away from any big city, don't have social media (useless) and work from home in IT. I work 3-5 months per year and travel/enjoy the rest, life couldn't be better.


3 years ago

Sometimes I think that the remedy to these diseases that afflict the West (feminism, egalitarianism, mandate of minorities, LGBT movement, state assistance to people who don't work and other shit like that) would be Maoism and Islam.

Shadow Monk
Shadow Monk
3 years ago

And hopefully their kind suffer their own undoing at the brink of communist collapse of the whole world, Useful cunts, Nobody will benefit but the elite who’ll user in the nephilim to be the overlords who’re the demonic entities in flesh taking orders from the satanic trinity made up by Hamba the father of Pazuzu aka Satan himself, His Antichrist son Pazuzu aka Zozo as well as for that particular demonic bastard the spirit of darkness or Satan’s third in command who’m he sent Baphomet and other bastards after me as a kid psychically attacking me in very lucid dream states of consciousness. amongst humans

1. The Satanic Trinity

2. Seven Rings and princes of hell.

3. The many legions

4.The Gates of hell.

Finally. The newly established bottom of hell’s hierarchy is the deep state cabal and their new world order.

Satan’s goal to using his cabal to build upon the foundation of his plan to take over the whole universe and dominate existence itself IE use his demonic cults to use the long ancient practice dating back it the place of satanism’s true secret origin Mesopotamia to Assyria and Babylon where pregnant mothers would intoxicate their fetus with animal-based adrenochrome to incarnate Satan’s kind into bodies as the nephilim like crooked Hillary Clinton, bill Gates, Soros, Epstein and Mark zukerberg who once openly admitted to being on Jeffrey Epstein’s satan worshiping island and is a nephilim himself who loves adrenochrone before covering up everything he said. So his goal is to deploy his very bottom of hell’s hierarchy Nephilim to:

Depopulated and replace us all with Satan worshiping nephilim Thus take over humanity

Seize our technologies which can make us potentially extra terrestrial and godlike race.

Use those technologies to conquer the final frontier which isn’t really outer space but rather it’s mastering the metaphysical realms as a top tiered god civilization.

pretty much Satan wants to take over the whole universe and dominate all of existence. Hopefully that bastard will not win that we as humans will fight back and destroy Satan’s very bottom of his hierarchy and reclaim control of the earth and even potentially build metaphysical technologies so advanced enough that we will rise up against Satan’s kind and eradicate them all, so that one day humans will prevail as the ultimate gods of this universe and good IE 3,6,9 will dwell as the ultimate force of existence and not 666 trying to take that from us.

There aren’t such things as misunderstood entities when it comes to spirits cause there are no such things as secrets due to the akasha records which prohibits Satan from lying because of the law of consciousness which Vibrations don’t lie..

It may be easier for normies to be deceived by that kind of tactics but not other spirits or especially psychically active people like myself and many others who have accessed their third eye without any demonic influence.

If you ever allow low vibrational to take control of you by simply conjuring or summoning them, they will take control of your third eye without your awareness or consent, particularly Insert a part of their consciousness into yours kind of like a partial demonic possession where you lose your critical thinking and awareness of what they’re doing to you and who they are So that they’d embed their ego into you designed to mimic your own personality so that they will slowly and covertly change your psyche and personality so flawlessly into a clone of them to the point where the demons would easily possess you at will thus control you.

I’d call that the Anton Lavey-Effect

However those who either fail to comply with the demon or do anything to even accidentally provoke them then they will most likely kill you with their own psychic abilities and drag you to hell in your sleep.

No benevolent higher Deity would ever do such a thing as what religion says as to cast people into hell who don’t agree.

There are only these ways you end up in hell:

-You are are a target by demons or you invite demons into your life knowingly and they either possess you thus destroy your soul within your body, They’ll Tear you right out of your body across from another separate realm instantly like Satan’s 3rd in command Rapientem who’s capable of that unlike many others which He’s 1500x more dangerous and powerful than even Baphomet or many other devils with their abilities combined...

OR if you’re so unfortunate as to end up on one of Epstein’s islands as a kid and have a fatal Adrenochrome rush from all the torture and are thus dragged to hell by whatever demon that Epstein or Podesta sacrifices you to.

There are virtually no good outcome in hell, those who’re tormented in hell long enough will succumb to the torment...In other words, anybody who isn’t saved from hell will be reincarnated back on earth at some point due to their souls being destroyed in hell.

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth”
- Galatians 4:16

Dark To Light.

3 years ago

They want to escape the firmament.They got what they wanted from Babylon (America) and will destroy it soon read Revelation Chapter 17-18

3 years ago

Great insight on all points. I've been listening to/watching your videos appox 5 years; I would place this one on a list of your top 10. Excellent work, Sandman.

3 years ago

Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Gulag

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