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Women Are Finished - MGTOW

431 Views • 05/25/21
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Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb

The Artificial Womb Is Born

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Byzanthony. He didn't send much in his message except a link. I put it down in the description and it's from the New York Times and it's called: "Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb". Well well well looky what we have here. Looks like scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel created a series of experiments where they created an artificial uterus and were able to grow embryos in them for six days. The fetuses were taken out of their mothers after five days and then grown in the artificial womb for an additional six days. Mouse gestation is 20 days total. I initially thought that they were able to grow them for the first six days of the pregnancy and mentioned that in earlier videos and I was wrong. So they grow for the first five days in the mother, the next six in the artificial womb and for the last nine days they can't grow because they need a blood supply. So once again they need their mother. But they are now thinking of connecting a blood supply to the mice's placenta and using a more enriched nutrient solution. If that works then I can imagine a world where women only have to be pregnant for the first three months and then the fetus is removed and put into an artificial womb. At that point the cost of surrogacy will fall because the most expensive part, renting the womb will drop two thirds of the price. So surrogacy services in the USA could drop from a hundred grand down to only forty. That means in places like Mexico the price would fall to ten to fifteen thousand dollars. This is great news for men that want to have children but don't want to get married to do so. Thanks to this breakthrough women are now one step closer to being finished. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clone world show. The last few paragraphs of that Wall Street article say this and I quote: In the future, Dr. Tesar said, “it is not unreasonable that we might have the capacity to develop a human embryo from fertilization to birth entirely outside the uterus.” Of course, even the suggestion of this science fiction scenario is bound to horrify many. But it is early days, with no assurance human fetuses could ever develop entirely outside the womb. Even assuming they could, Dr. Tesar noted, “whether that is appropriate is a question for ethicists, regulators and society.” unquote. These Jewish scientists aren't the first to work on this. The second article I put in the description is from back when I first started going my own way and it's called "The Artificial Womb Is Born". In Japan they have been working on connecting an external blood supply to a goat fetus and that was eight years ago. I wonder if they have made progress? If they solved this and they combine their technology with what I mentioned earlier in Israel then that cheaper surrogacy situation I was talking about will become a reality. Then we have to work on the first
trimester and if we solve that then families will be a thing of the past and we will be heading towards a Brave New World. The decision to have a baby will no longer belong to women but will also belong to men or possibly even the state if they want to grow more citizens. A few weeks before this video request someone sent me another story about how scientists were able to take ordinary skin cells and turn them into an embryo. I showed my mother the mice in the artificial womb and she looked shocked and couldn't believe it. That we are making progress so quickly. It's quite possible that in the next ten to fifteen years we will perfect the process and be able to grow people without parents or someone might bump into your arm and take a sample of your skin without you even knowing it and then grow your clone.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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12 Comments sort Sort By
4 years ago

If women abandon live births their status as mammals is at risk. What will happen to their lady parts? Darwin says, use it or lose it. Of course men just have to ejaculate to maintain their functionality.
Fish just produce eggs to fertilize outside the body. I'm not sure women will want to lose their humanity just to skip preggers.

4 years ago

Women don't think long term . Anything beyond TODAY, is not on their horizon. Example: "Today I found out my sister is pregnant. I want a baby too." How will the baby be fed, sheltered, raised... It doesn't matter, will worry about that when the time comes. That's women rationality for you. For some reason empires were built by men, over the course of CENTURIES.

scott sanger
scott sanger
4 years ago

BLACK MARKET will prevail............. the artificial womb is just a matter of time now.

4 years ago

the practitioners aren't very open to outsiders

scott sanger
scott sanger
4 years ago

thank god im 60........ this shit show i dont want to see

4 years ago

You've only got me by a decade (I'm 50). This could be a good thing & I think we both might see it. I do see your point though. Being the human beings that we are, I'm sure we'll find some way to fuck it up.

scott sanger
scott sanger
4 years ago

single females grow simp boys and masculine girls....... MISMATCH, females want chads that are not being created. females are gonna lose all Chad and Tyrrone;s. Since MEN want artificial womb....... its just a matter of time........... why will 25+ yr old females be around..???

4 years ago

We are traversing from the 'clown world' to the 'clone world'. From 'brave new world' to 'grave new world'.

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